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Capcom went live with another localization blog about Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate today. You can access it here.

One of the more interesting topics concerns the screenshot above. Regarding the image, Capcom said the following:

If you can’t read Japanese, this message translates to “Do you want to hear that again?”, and automatically appears after every tutorial message. The cursor also defaults to Yes, so if you’re mashing buttons to get through the tutorial, you can accidentally select Yes and you’re sent through the entire thing again.

This was one of the first issues I brought to the Monster Hunter team, because I felt Western gamers wouldn’t respond well to it. After the director, Fujioka-san, explained their reasoning, I understood why they had made this decision. During the development of Monster Hunter 4, the team was directed to aim for a younger audience because the Nintendo 3DS’ market is younger than other platforms. To make sure the younger kids knew what do to, they added that question at the end of each tutorial just to be safe.

Overseas, the audience for Monster Hunter is older and more experienced with games, so they typically don’t need to read things twice to get the gist. With that in mind, we asked the team if we could remove that from our version of the game and they agreed. Woohoo! Victory #1! We also were able to naturally cut down on the tutorial length through shorter, but still entertaining dialogue – and no, we didn’t cut out anything from the tutorials – which means you can get back to the action a lot faster.

This is just one of the many subtle ways that we tweaked Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate for its Western release to make it more enjoyable to play.

Capcom posted an image of the final version of the cleaning cloth included in the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Collector’s Edition. For those wondering, it’s an illustration of the game’s world map.

Stock is said to be running low on the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Collector’s Edition. GameStop is still taking pre-orders at present.


Capcom hasn’t released a demo for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the eShop, but some 3DS owners are managing to get access. We’re hearing that the demo was distributed at a Nintendo of Europe headquarters event today. There will apparently be another event in Paris soon as well.

Monsters in the demo include Great Jaggi, Tetsucabra, and Gore Magala. Online play is not yet functional.


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