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Last week, Capcom confirmed that Ace Attorney is heading to Switch in some fashion. Kotaku UK shares more on the company’s apparent plans.

If the site is to be believed, two compilations will be launched in the first half of the 2018 / 2019 financial year, which falls between April and October 2018. The initial release will be a bundle of the first three Ace Attorney entries. The other, naturally, is a bundle of games four through six.

Kotaku UK adds that Capcom is also working on a brand new, mainline Ace Attorney title for Switch. It’s supposedly scheduled for a late 2018 simultaneous global release. The site goes on to say that it will have “five cases at launch, and features Phoenix Wright returning as the playable protagonist of the story.”


With Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney making the jump to 3DS later this month, Capcom is providing new insight into the game. A blog post was added to Capcom-Unity today covering the original localization.

Here’s one excerpt covering how Apollo’s first and last name were determined:

Capcom’s status has a bit unclear when it comes to supporting Switch. However, Capcom COO Haruhiro Tsujimoto has made it clear that the company is planning games for the consoles.

Tsujimoto told Jiji that Capcom will have Switch games intended for release with the next fiscal year. That means we can expect to see titles after April. According to Tsujimoto, Ace Attorney is one big IP that we can expect to see on Nintendo’s console.

Source, Via

The Switch’s video capture function is steadily expanding to more titles – including third-party games. Next week, on November 15th, Monster Hunter XX will receive its next update (patch 1.3.0). Among other improvements, you will then be able to record 3o-second videos in the game and share them on Twitter and Facebook.


The European Switch eShop has provided updated file sizes for Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2 on Switch. The first game will take up 12GB of space. As for the sequel, Resident Evil Revelations 2 requires 23.6GB.

Capcom will be selling both titles at retail as the Resident Evil Revelations Collection. However, only the first game is included on the cartridge. Resident Evil Revelations 2 will be offered as a download code.

Source: Switch eShop

Capcom has published a pair of new music video trailers for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney on 3DS. The first features Apollo and is voiced by KENN while the second is for Klavier Gavin and is voiced by Kusuda Toshiyuki. We have both videos below.

Capcom provided its latest financial results today, and revealed new data for both Ultra Street Fighter II and Monster Hunter XX for Switch.

Capcom once again that Ultra Street Fighter II was “a smash hit”. The game has shipped 500,000 copies worldwide thus far.


Capcom commented a bit more on Switch stemming from its latest financial results. The company said that Switch is important as one outlet for multiplatform games. However, Capcom wouldn’t say if any exclusive projects are in the works.

The Wall Street Journal recently obtained a comment from Capcom in which a spokeswoman said releasing older games on a new console is not unusual for third-parties since there isn’t enough time to develop new titles within a year of its launch. Capcom has thus far released Monster Hunter XX for Switch in Japan, and will be bringing the Resident Evil Revelations games to the system this month around the world.



While searching for the latest information about the Resident Evil Revelations games for Switch, which are due out for the console this month, we found an interesting article from Japanese outlet Inside Games. The site went hands-on with both Resident Evil Revelations and its sequel at the Tokyo Game Show a couple of months ago. Along with its own impressions, Inside Games also spoke with Capcom representatives. What it all amounts to is some information about the frame rate, resolution, controls, and more that we hadn’t known previously.

After many years of exclusivity, Monster Hunter is no longer exclusive to Nintendo platforms. In fact, the latest major game isn’t on any Nintendo system at all. Capcom announced Monster Hunter World at E3, which currently has no sign of showing up on something like Switch.

Eurogamer did ask co-director Kaname Fujioka about the possibility of porting Monster Hunter World over to Switch in a recent interview. But unfortunately, Fujioka was naturally cagey about the subject. He instead wants to think more about the future in terms of how Monster Hunter can be adapted there.

Here’s what Fujioka had to say about Monster Hunter on Switch:

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