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file size

Layton’s Mystery Journey can now be pre-loaded on the Japanese 3DS eShop. To do so, you’ll need 5,768 blocks of free space. That translates to 721 MB.


Ratalakia Games is bringing I and Me to the Switch eShop this month. To download the game, 373MB of space is required. I and Me is due out in Japan this week and very soon in the rest of the world.


Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle will be a pretty small download on Switch. According to a listing on the European eShop, just 2.3GB of free space will be required.

Aside from the file size, there isn’t much else in the listing worth noting. amiibo support is once again confirmed, but as was the case in June, it’s still unclear how it will be supported.


Hey! Pikmin file size

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment

Hey! Pikmin can now be pre-loaded from the Japanese 3DS eShop. To download the game, players will need 3,222 blocks of free space. That amounts to 402.75MB in case you’re curious.

Source: 3DS eShop

At the very least, Implosion – Never Lose Hope is slated for the Japanese Switch eShop on July 6. Europe could be getting the game next week as well, and possibly North America. Note that the game takes up 3.1GB of space.

Source: Switch eShop

De Mambo, Vaccine, and PHOTON³ have just both released on the Japanese Switch eShop, and file sizes are in for each. De Mambo requires 547MB of free space. Vaccine is 372MB, and PHOTON³ is 173MB.

Source: Switch eShop

The first DLC pack for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is just on the horizon. Nintendo will be distributing The Master Trials on Friday.

Nintendo’s Japanese website now shows how much space is needed for the DLC. On Switch, The Master Trials is a 456MB download. The Wii U version requires 3.7GB of free space.

It’s unclear why The Master Trials is such a bigger download on Wii U. It’s just a theory, but Switch might be able to handle more advanced file compression.


GoNNER file size

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 1 Comment


If Nintendo’s new listings are anything to go by, GoNNER will be out on Switch very soon. After it was pushed back slightly from June 8, it now appears to be launching on June 29. We also now know that the game is a 300MB download.


Following today’s Nintendo Direct, Dragon Quest XI has been made available for pre-load on the Japanese 3DS eShop. The game requires 20,486 blocks of free space. In case you’re curious, that amounts to 2.5GB.


RPG Maker Fes file size

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 5 Comments

RPG Maker Fes is out this Friday in Europe, and next Tuesday in North America. To download the game, 976 blocks (122MB) of free space is needed. NIS America will be offering a physical version as well.


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