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Zombie Incident block size

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News | 0 comments

It’s now confirmed that Zombie Incident takes up 203 blocks of space. The game is launching in Europe this Thursday, and in North America soon. Look for it on the 3DS eShop.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3D’s file size is in. According to Amazon Japan, the game is 3.6GB. That should be roughly 28800 blocks, which is what the 3DS tends to use for sizes.

Source, Via

Update: Two more file sizes for you! Sin & Punishment: Star Successor is 932MB while Pandora’s Tower is 2976.7MB.

Sonic Advance and Zengeki no Reginleiv are among the new Wii U eShop releases in Japan today. Regarding file sizes, the downloads come in at 69MB and 3,658MB respectively. Those two couldn’t be any further apart!

Source 1, Source 2

Pokemon Shuffle’s block size is in. The download is extremely small, as you’ll only need 686 blocks of free space. Pokemon Shuffle should launch on Wednesday.


Nintendo Anime Channel is one of the new releases on the European 3DS eShop today. Thankfully, the app is very small in size. You’ll only need 200 blocks for this one!


IronFall Invasion has now launched on the European 3DS eShop. Since the game is available, it’s been revealed how big the download is. IronFall Invasion requires 3,859 blocks of free space.


Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy+ can be purchased either at retail or via the eShop. If you opt for the latter option, keep in mind that the game takes up 5,657 blocks of space on an SD card. The new update is another 80 blocks.


Xenoblade Chronicles X may ultimately end up as the Wii U’s largest game. Via a listing on the eShop, it’s confirmed that the game takes up 22.7GB of space to download.


Puzzle Monkeys, which is launching today on the eShop, is confirmed to be a 175MB download. The game is out today in both North America and Europe.


Frenchy Bird was among yesterday’s new eShop releases in North America and Europe. Note that you’ll need 163MB for the download. Not too big of a file size I suppose!


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