Theatrhythm devs on the future of the series
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 5 Comments
The developers of Theatrhythm Final Bar Line have weighed in on the series’ future. This could be the end… or perhaps not.
Series director Masanobu Suzui and producer Ichiro Hazama recently spoke with Dengeki Online, and said that Final Bar Line is intended to be the last game in the series. However, Hazama did acknowledge that things may not necessarily end if fans show their interest. It was also shared that Nomura came up with the new for the new title.
Here’s our full translation:
Theatrhythm Final Bar Line devs explain lack of touch controls
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 7 Comments
Previous Theatrhythm games allowed games to use touch controls, but Final Bar Line is all about buttons. This is in spite of the fact that Switch does have a touch screen. In a recent interview, series director Masanobu Suzui and producer Ichiro Hazama revealed that there was some consideration around supporting both methods, but it wasn’t meant to be.
Suzui, speaking with Dengeki Online, brought up one factor which is that Switch has a capacitance-type touchscreen while 3DS featured a pressure-type one. While there was talk about supporting button controls and touch controls for each song, he said that the team “already needed multiple copies of sheet music for each song to account for difficulty levels.”
Here’s our translation of the comments from Suzui and Hazama:
Square Enix now says native Kingdom Hearts Switch ports are “undecided”
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 67 Comments
There may still be a glimmer of hope for native Kingdom Hearts ports on Switch.
During the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate presentation unveiling Sora for the game last week, it was revealed that all of the major titles will be appearing on the console. But rather than going the native route, Square Enix is putting all of the games on the cloud. That means you’re required to have an internet connection to play, which many fans aren’t happy about.
It sounds like nothing is in the works at present, but speaking with Nintendo Life, Kingdom Hearts series producer Ichiro Hazama left the door slightly open to the possibility of native ports on Switch in the future. Although the team previously ran into issues such as “the storage capacity of the hardware”, true ports are “undecided” and Square Enix is “excited to hear feedback from our fans”.
Hazama’s full words:
More: Ichiro Hazama, interview, Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix, top
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory devs on why it’s not a Theatrhythm game, new details revealed
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 Comments
Game Informer was recently able to speak with Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory producer Ichiro Hazama, co-director Masanobu Suzui, and franchise director Testuya Nomura about the upcoming Switch title. They discussed how the project happened and why it’s not a Theatrhythm title. On top of that, we have a bunch of new details as well.
Here’s the full roundup:
Theatrhythm producer interested in continuing the series
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 11 Comments
Square Enix has created three Theatrhythm games. We’ve seen two based on Final Fantasy, and the Japanese-only entry for Dragon Quest. If recent comments from Square Enix’s Ichiro Hazama are anything to go by, the series won’t be stopping there.
Hazama commented about the future of Theatrhythm in this month’s issue of Nintendo Dream. He spoke about wanting to keep the franchise going in his New Year’s greeting, in which he mentioned:
“This is Hazama from Square Enix. Last year at this place, I said ‘we’ll keep continuing Theatrhythm from hereafter too!’. Well then, I wonder how about next year[‘s continuity]. Personally, I still want to continue, and everyday I have been devising various plans. I’m full with a feeling to do something to make it happen, so I’ll be glad if you can wait with anticipation. With that being said, please keep supporting [the series] as usual from hereafter too!”
I’d personally be up for a Nier-only Theatrhythm, but that’s probably unlikely to happen. Something like Theatrhythm Kingdom Hearts might be more realistic!
More: Ichiro Hazama, Square Enix, Theatrhythm, top
Theatrhythm Dragon Quest has over 60 tracks, DLC teased
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 3 Comments
Theatrhythm Dragon Quest will feature over 60 tracks, according to producer Ichiro Hazama.
Hazama and composer Koichi Sugiyama were interviewed in a Japanese magazine recently. During the discussion, Hazama said that there will be roughly 5-6 tracks per game, given that there are ten entries in the Dragon Quest series.
Hazama also teased downloadable content for Theatrhythm Dragon Quest. The team will be listening to user feedback following the game’s launch to determine which songs to release, he said.
In case you’re wondering, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy has more than 70 songs from 13 games while Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call features 221 tracks.
Curtain Call intended to be “the definitive version of Final Fantasy Theatrhythm”
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 Comments
This month’s issue of GamesTM has a small interview with Square Enix producer Ichiro Hazama.
Hazama, who worked on Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call, shared a few words about the 3DS game. Most interestingly, he mentioned that Curtain Call is intended to be “the definitive version of Final Fantasy Theatrhythm”.
Here’s his comments in full:
The songs themselves have great quality and stand up on their own, no question. Also, because they are used in games, I think that when people hear these songs they remember a particular scene or moment in the game.
What I’ve tried to do here is make the definitive version of Final Fantasy Theatrhythm; I don’t intend to make any others.
Theatrhythm producer “thinking about other titles with music that we produce”
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 5 Comments
Square Enix has made two Theatrhythm games thus far, both of which are completely Final Fantasy-oriented. Where can the series go from here – if anywhere?
While not at all confirmed, Theathrhythm producer Ichiro Hazama recently hinted to GameSpot that other series could be considered. He said that he’s “thinking about other titles with music that we produce”. Make of that what you will!
“This is just my own broad thinking, but we’re probably going to draw the line on Final Fantasy. This will be the last Theatrhythm featuring Final Fantasy. I’m thinking about other titles with music that we produce, we can do something with that.”
More: Ichiro Hazama, Square Enix, Theatrhythm
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call will receive songs from future Final Fantasy games through DLC
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 3 Comments
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call represents a whole bunch of games. Square Enix probably won’t be coming out with another Final Fantasy-oriented Theatrhythm game in the future, but later entries in the series (such as Final Fantasy XV presumably) will be featured through DLC.
Producer Ichiro Hazama told Polygon:
“We wanted to make it so Curtain Call is like your base, and then you would add more songs as newer titles joined the roster and be able to accommodate for DLC or things like that and build upon it. But that would be our final form of Theatrhythm that handles the Final Fantasy songs. In terms of Final Fantasy songs, we will continue to produce new Final Fantasy titles and with that, there’ll be new songs added to the repertoire.”
“No matter where you cut and where you eat, it’s still a tasty piece of cake. With Theatrhythm, I made sure to kind of pick up the ante on the music flavor, the rhythm flavor of the Final Fantasy elements. We’re focusing on that music aspect of Final Fantasy, but we make sure to not cut corners and make it as polished as possible. That’s what I focused on in this game, and I am confident that if we continue to do that and bring a really polished product, people will enjoy it and it won’t be yet another spin-off that’s just out there. I want to continue making games like that.”