Suda51 unsure if No More Heroes’ Travis Touchdown will return
Posted on 9 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
No More Heroes creator Suda51 was recently asked if Travis Touchdown, the series’ star, could return in the future. As of now it doesn’t sound like an easy question for him to answer.
Eurogamer asked the well-known developer about the future of the character. Suda51 responded by saying that he’s unsure, especially given how Marvelous owns the rights to the No More Heroes franchise. Grasshopper Manufacture developed the different games in the series, but that was thanks to Marvelous being on board.
More: interview, No More Heroes, Suda51
Retro Game Challenge 1 + 2 Replay not planned for English release
Posted on 10 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
The Switch title Retro Game Challenge 1 + 2 Replay will not be getting an English release in the west – at least for the time being. That news comes directly from the game’s developers.
In a recent Famitsu interview, Bandai Namco’s Midori Sugiyama and indieszero’s Masanobu Suzui spoke about the situation. Suzui in particular elaborated on why it isn’t possible, with him indicating that there wouldn’t be enough interest and various aspects would need to be altered.
Here’s what the two shared:
El Shaddai director explains why and how the Switch port happened
Posted on 10 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will soon be coming to Switch after its original launch more than a decade ago. In a recent interview with Famitsu, director Sawaki Takeyasu spoke about how this version of the game came to be.
Takeyasu indicated that fan requests spurred things on initially. However, if not for middleware developer Aqualead and its engine, the port may not have happened.
Here’s our translation of the discussion between Famitsu and Takeyasu:
Nintendo on whether Mario feels pain
Posted on 10 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Random | 0 comments
Have you ever wondered if Mario feels pain? Takashi Tezuka, who has been working on the Super Mario series since the very beginning, was recently asked that very question.
The Verge recently spoke with Tezuka, who weighed in – kind of. He first started out by simply stating: “It may be that Mario does feel pain.”
Square Enix says Final Fantasy VI remake would take twenty years to develop
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
A remake of Final Fantasy VI doesn’t appear to be happening anytime soon, with Square Enix indicating that it would take a significantly long time to develop.
Yoshinori Kitase, a longtime director and producer of the series, recently participated in an interview with French YouTuber Julien Chièze. During that discussion, Kitase revealed that if Square Enix were to remake Final Fantasy VI, he believes it would take double the amount of time than the Final Fantasy VII Remake project. This is because he anticipates it being bigger and it already has so many characters in it.
Capcom: Ace Attorney series will not be stopping
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch | 0 comments
One could say that the Ace Attorney series has seen a slight resurgence over the past few years. Capcom shipped Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy on Switch in 2019, followed by The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles in 2021 (which were localized for the first time). Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy is also coming out very soon.
The good news is that Capcom won’t be abandoning the Ace Attorney series anytime soon. In an interview with 4Gamer, Kenichi Hashimoto – who most recently served as producer for the Apollo Justice re-release – said that the franchise “won’t be stopping”.
More: Ace Attorney, Capcom, interview, top
Capcom talks Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy challenges, made with RE Engine
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy was developed with the RE Engine, the game’s producer has revealed.
Kenichi Hashimoto was speaking about challenges of the re-release in an interview with 4Gamer. RE Engine is Capcom’s proprietary engine, but the games were originally built with other technology. Capcom also hasn’t done much with the RE Engine when it comes to adventure games.
Nintendo on how Mario Wonder characters were decided, scrapped Yoshi mechanic
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
The developers behind Super Mario Bros. Wonder have commented on how the game’s characters were decided and also revealed a mechanic for Yoshi that was ultimately scrapped.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder has the most amount of playable characters for the series yet. When asked by Famitsu in last week’s issue how they were selected, director Shiro Mouri said:
Pokemon that talk like Meowth was once considered for the anime
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
As many fans know, Meowth is the primary Pokemon that talks like a person in the anime. However, there was actually a time when the same thing was considered for other creatures.
The Pokemon Company president Tsunekazu Ishihara spoke about this in a recent interview of Famitsu while discussing Detective Pikachu Returns. Here’s what was shared about that subject which we’ve translated:
Super Mario Bros. Wonder devs discuss taking out the series’ timer
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
In this week’s issue of Famitsu, a couple of developers behind Super Mario Bros. Wonder discussed the decision to remove the timer. Producer Takashi Tezuka and director Shiro Mouri chimed in.
The time limit has been a staple of the side-scrolling series since the very original game. However, Super Mario Bros. Wonder mixed up a number of aspects to the classic formula, and taking that out was one of those changes.