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Inti Creates

A now-removed Game Informer preview offers gameplay details about Mighty No. 9. You can find them rounded up below.

– Beck can’t jump on walls
– He can dash and grab the edges of/climb ledges
– Only shoots horizontally in front of him
– Beck can continue firing at enemies until they blow up
– However, the fastest way to take them down is to shoot until they glow a certain color, then dash through them
– If enemies glow blue, you can dash through them to collect health
– Need to dash through 10 blue enemies to get a health boost
– Temporary weapon boost from red enemies
– This lets you shoot through enemies damaging the ones behind them
– Green temporarily boosts your walking speed
– For red and green enemies, a shrinking colored circle will appear above your head letting you know how much time you have before you run out
– The dash mechanic is unlimited even when dashing through the air
– After defeating bosses, they will appear in other levels to help you progress
– One boss in the game is named Battalion (temporary)
– This particular boss has an instant kill
– Damage Battalion by firing away until he glows, then dash through him
– If you don’t dash through the boss before it stops glowing, it will recover the health you took away


Some of the first reviews for Azure Striker Gunvolt appeared online today. While there aren’t a ton of them, here’s what we have thus far:

Destructoid – 8 / 10
GamesBeat – 80 / 100
GameSpot – 8 / 10
IGN – 7.8 / 10
NintendoWorldReport – 8.5 / 10

Azure Striker Gunvolt won’t eat up much space on your SD card, given how the game weighs in at only 2,623 blocks.

As tweeted by the game’s official Twitter account:

Azure Striker Gunvolt launches this Friday in North America.


Inti Creates just wrapped up development on Azure Striker Gunvolt, but the studio already seems to be thinking about a sequel. The company said in its latest “Interactive Wave” video that a follow-up is likely for the future. However, Inti Creates still encourages fans to share their interest in a potential sequel.

We’ll also casually mention here that downloadable content is coming to Mighty Gunvolt. More stages are currently being worked on, though further details are not known.


Azure Striker Gunvolt launched in Japan last night, and it came with a little bonus. Those who pick up the game through mid-November can download Mighty Gunvolt at no extra cost.

It turns out that this offer is now being extended to North America as well. The English Azure Striker Gunvolt Twitter account confirmed a few minutes ago:


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