New Monster Strike 3DS details
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
We went a long while without any news on Monster Strike 3DS, but now we’ve been getting updates pretty regularly. Famitsu shares even more about the game in its latest issue with a new preview.
First, below are details about some of Monster Strike 3DS’ different characters:
Ren Homura
– Has a forward facing and bright personality
– Though appears to be an average boy, has memories of having lived in a Divine Realm
– A protagonist of many mysteries
Aoi Mizusawa
– Ren’s classmate from childhood
– S weeks to reform her own group of monsters that had disbanded
– What does she have to do with Ren’s lost memories?
– Self-proclaimed prince of the Monster Realm
– Travels with Ren, came from Sumaho
– Not much is known aside from being a child of dragons
Minami Wakaba
– An airheaded girl who loves her family cafe
– In the same class as Ren
– Always feels cold so dresses to stay warm
Akira Kagetsuki
– Ren’s classmate
– Was once a cool top member of the Strikers, but has recently been distant from the “Monster” group
More: details roundup, Japan, Mixi, Monster Strike, top
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon sold through 61% of its initial Japanese shipment
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon debuted in Japan on September 17. During its first few days on the market (about half a week), the game sold 152,000 copies. Sales tracker Media Create reports that Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon saw a sell-through rate of 61.09 percent.
Compared to previous Mystery Dungeon titles, the new 3DS game performed better than Gates to Infinity. That game released in November 2012, and sold 121,000 copies for a 34.31 sell-through of initial stock.
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon had 94,000 pre-orders, which was around the same range as the previous entry (95,000 pre-orders), showing the series has the loyal support of long time fans. Also, judging by the lack of growth in 3DS sales, Media Create believes it can be assumed that the majority of the userbase already had the system before the game came out as opposed to buying it for the game.
Media Create software sales (9/21 – 9/27) – Top 50
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 4 Comments
This week’s expanded Japanese software sales are as follows:
01./02. [WIU] Super Mario Maker #
02./01. [3DS] Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
03./03. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch Busters: Red Cat Team / White Dog Squad
04./00. [PSV] Utawareru Mono: Itsuwari no Kamen #
05./07. [3DS] Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer #
06./08. [WIU] Splatoon
07./00. [PSV] Genkai Tokki: Moero Crystal #
08./00. [PS4] Utawareru Mono: Itsuwari no Kamen #
09./04. [3DS] Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
10./06. [PS4] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain #
11./00. [PS3] TV Anime Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls G4U! Pack Vol.5
12./09. [PS3] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain #
13./16. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition
14./00. [PS3] Utawareru Mono: Itsuwari no Kamen #
15./12. [3DS] Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airu Village DX
16./00. [PSV] Hakuoki: Shinkai – Furi no Shou #
17./00. [PS4] The Witch and the Hundred Knights Revival #
18./00. [PS4] Saint Seiya: Soldiers’ Soul
19./18. [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best+
20./10. [PSV] Resident Evil: Revelations 2
More: charts, Japan, Media Create, sales
Monster Hunter X – Tamamitsune screenshots
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Capcom prepared an official set of screenshots from Monster Hunter X today. The images include the Nyanter Mode which we previously covered as well as Tamamitsune, one of the four main monsters. You can find all of the images below, along with a single shot of Keiryuu (mountain stream area).
Tamamitsune is an agile creature who can use the “Water Breath” attack, which gives players a status ailment. This covers the hunter’s body in foam, causing them to slip and slide on the ground.
More: Capcom, Japan, Monster Hunter X
Project X Zone 2 demo reaches Japan on October 9
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
We don’t post too much about Japanese demos these days, but the one for Project X Zone 2 may have some relevance overseas. After all, we did receive a couple of demos for the original game here in the west.
Bandai Namco is releasing a Project X Zone 2 demo on the Japanese eShop on October 9. It features the game’s opening stages, and for each round cleared, players will receive an “Early Play Benefit Item” for use in the retail version. We’ll probably be seeing the demo in North America and Europe closer to launch.
More: Bandai Namco, demo, Japan, Monolith Soft, Project X Zone 2
7th Dragon III Code: VFD – Mage class trailer
Posted on 9 years ago by Quinn(@bornbefuddled) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Yet another class trailer for 7th Dragon III Code: VFD has been published by SEGA, this time showing the Mage class. Check out the trailer below.
More: 7th Dragon III Code: VFD, Japan, SEGA
Pokémon Rumble World to receive retail release in Japan
Posted on 9 years ago by Dennis Gagliardotto(@LyonHart_) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
Nintendo’s free-to-play Pokémon title that came to the 3DS eShop earlier this year is now receiving a retail release in Japan on November 19th.
The retail version of Pokémon Rumble World will grant you a code for the game, all 3,000 PokéDiamonds you can normally receive in-game, and various discounts. Pokémon Rumble World will cost 37,000¥.
Seeing as the retail copy will only grant you a code for the game and not a physical cartridge, one could imagine that these will simply be put up as cards in stores which you take to the register to be activated. So far no word on whether the retail version of Pokémon Rumble World will be getting the same treatment to regions elsewhere.
More: Japan, Pokemon Rumble World
Monster Strike 3DS commercial
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
A few hours ago, we saw the first trailer for Monster Strike’s new 3DS game. We now have the first commercial below.
More: commercial, Japan, Mixi, Monster Strike
Collectible Badge Center adds Zelda: Wind Waker HD, Swapnote Nikki, and other badges
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Collectible Badge Center has received its latest weekly update. The Japanese download has added in badges from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (eight total panels), two panels featuring the Rhythm Tengoku Girls, one Heartbreak Bear, Swapnote Nikki, two more in the pixelated non-game series, and the fifth set of Baito badges. Two free goes are available as well..
More: Collectible Badge Center, Japan
Monster Hunter X – Nyanter Mode screenshots
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 1 Comment
Thanks to Famitsu, we have a number of new screenshots of Monster Hunter X’s Nyanter Mode. We’ve rounded up the images below.