Japan getting Ginsei Shogi: Kyotendo Toufu Raijin for Wii U in November
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 6 Comments
These days, it’s not too often that we see a packaged Wii U title from a Japanese publisher other than Nintendo. But on November 19, Silver Star will be bringing Ginsei Shogi: Kyotendo Toufu Raijin to Japan.
Ginsei Shogi is all about Japanese chess. Two screens are utilized, meaning you can display the game on one screen and situational information on the other. Off-TV play is also supported. Additionally, you can zoom in and out with touch controls on the GamePad.

Players will find the following modes included in Ginsei Shogi:
– Regular match: Play against a human, load match records (save up to 99) and restart a recorded match. Hints are also available during a match, so this mode can be used for practicing.
– Rated match: Your rating changes with wins and losses. It is possible to choose the computer level that is suitable for your skill (rating).
– Challenge match: Start the game from a middle of a match. This is a mode with high difficulty and it is suitable for advanced players.
– Blitz survival match: You only have a short time to make a move. The mode tests how long of a winning streak you can get and tracks the hi-score.
Other features are as follows:
– Playing against a human
– Hints
– Board rotation
– Animation settings for a piece
– Countdown buzzer
– Changing background and piece visuals
– Changing background music
– Checkmate warning
– Changing replay speed of a recorded match
With the standard move function, you can opt to show bad moves and good moves on the board when playing, so even those who don’t know standard moves can still use them. The function is optimal for learning standard moves for real situations.
The game also lets you display the effects of pieces on the board, which makes the situation easy to understand.
Finally, it’s possible to change a number of game settings as well. Players can choose a computer level from 15 levels, who has the first move, and time per move/countdown.
Ginsei Shogi: Kyotendo Toufu Raijin will be sold both in stores and on the eShop in November. Take a look at the boxart above.

More Monster Hunter X, Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX footage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 1 Comment
Monster Hunter X and Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX were once again featured during the latest episode of Capcom TV. Recordings of the show are posted below.
Dragon Quest VIII screenshots
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Dragon Quest VIII has now launched in Japan, and Square Enix has issued one final batch of screenshots. Today’s images show the first town that players will find when starting the game. Check out the new images below.
More: Dragon Quest VIII, Japan, Square Enix
Media Create sales (8/17 – 8/23)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS, News, Wii U | 7 Comments
The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:
New 3DS LL – 19,960
PS4 – 14,495
Vita – 11,605
Wii U – 11,302
New 3DS – 5,967
PS3 – 2,549
3DS – 1,557
3DS LL – 795
Vita TV – 554
Xbox One – 160
For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:
New 3DS LL – 30,105
PS4 – 18,503
Vita – 17,400
Wii U – 16,567
New 3DS – 8,326
PS3 – 3,448
3DS – 2,752
3DS LL – 1,065
Vita TV – 672
Xbox One – 195
And here are the software charts:
1. [3DS] Super Robot Wars BX – 98,366 / NEW
2. [3DS] Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer – 65,904 / 910,071
3. [3DS] Yo-kai Watch Busters – 48,592 / 1,351,934
4. [WIU] Splatoon – 23,874 / 584,268
5. [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best PLus – 12,083 / 432,276
6. [PSV] Reine Des Fleurs – 11,191 / NEW
7. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 8,073 / 300,001
8. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 – 6,113 / 1,104,610
9. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 4,837 / 4,030,853
10. [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates – 4,154 / 409,189
11. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – 3,750 / 2,686,525
12. [WIU] Yoshi’s Woolly World – 3,340 / 63,930
13. [PSV] Taiko No Tatsujin V Version – 3,173 / 87,913
14. [3DS] Cho Tousouchuu Atsumare Saikyou no Tousousya Tachi – 3,078 / 41,507
15. [PSV] Luminous Arc Infinity – 2,716 / 24,980
16. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (Best Price) – 2,570 / 9,535
17. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for 3DS – 2,501 / 2,274,753
18. [PS3] Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi – 2,364 / 84,566
19. [3DS] The Great Ace Attorney – 2,283 / 186,616
20. [WIU] Super Smash Bros. for Wii U – 2,227 / 668,555
More: charts, Japan, Media Create, sales, top
Japanese Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Tomato Adventure, Super E.D.F. Wii U VC trailers
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
Nintendo released official videos for Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Tomato Adventure, and Super E.D.F. on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console. Watch them below.
More: Japan, Virtual Console
Splatoon soundtrack being released in Japan
Posted on 9 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Wii U | 7 Comments
Update: Added the reversible covers and some more info.
Splatoon is a huge hit, especially in Japan, and its unique musical style is definitely a big part of that. It’s not a big surprise then that the soundtrack, titled “Splatune”, will soon be available to buy in Japan. It will be released by famous publisher Kadokawa on October 21st for 3,456 yen.
Its two discs will include 61 songs – 37 music tracks, 10 jingle tracks and 14 sound effect tracks. It will also come with a booklet featuring comments from the development staff and additional reversible covers. Check those out in the gallery below.
More: Japan, Official Soundtrack, Splatoon
More Dragon Quest VIII footage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Dragon Quest VIII gameplay was once again showcased by Denjin Getcha. Check out the latest footage below.
More: Dragon Quest VIII, Japan, Square Enix
Pokemon Shuffle now available on Android and iOS in Japan
Posted on 9 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 8 Comments
Today marks the release date of Pokemon Shuffle on mobile devices – specifically for Android and iOS devices in Japan. A Western release date has not yet been announced.
You won’t be able to transfer your save data from the 3DS version, and competition rankings are separate for both versions.
More: Japan, Pokemon Shuffle
Daily Super Mario Maker video (August 24th): Afterimages
Posted on 9 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Nintendo uploaded another Super Mario Maker video to their Japanese Twitter account. This one focuses on the “afterimages” of Mario that let you see his exact movement, which helps you plan the jumps needed to complete the levels you make. Check it out below:
More: Japan, Super Mario Maker
First Taiko Drum Master: Atsumete Tomodachi Daisakusen details and screenshots
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 4 Comments
Famitsu has shared concrete details about Taiko Drum Master: Atsumete Tomodachi Daisakusen for Wii U.
Here’s what we know thus far:
– New “Tomodachi Daisakusen!” mode (“The Great Friend Operation” mode)
– In the mode, Kacchan becomes the hero and must collect lots of friends in order to become the most popular person in the neighborhood
– Do so by meeting friends in towns
– Become close with people by performing songs and building up the “Nakayoshi Gauge” (“Good Friends Gauge”)
– The friends you make will turn up at the Wada House
– Popular features like “Mecha-Don Gasha” (lottery to unlock new songs and costumes), “Baton Touch Ensou” (four players performing the same song), “Intro Don” (four player mode where you guess a song just by hearing its intro), and costume changes will also return
And here are the first screenshots from the game:
Head past the break for a listing of the initial confirmed songs. The game will feature J-Pop, anime, video games, and more.