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SEGA has revealed the next game joining its lineup of classic games redone in 3D. On August 20, 3D Thunder Blade will be available in Japan. Pricing is set at 926 yen.


Wii U eShop

There won’t be any new eShop releases in Japan next week due to the holidays. However, a few new Virtual Console games have been confirmed for the following week.

The following games are slated for August 20:

Fire Emblem Gaiden (Famicom) – 514 yen
Street Fighter Zero 2 (Super Famicom) – 823 yen
Mr. Driller 2 (Game Boy Advance) – 702 yen


The official Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3 website has brought along a few more screenshots and details.

Here’s the latest on the game:

– Brand new entry unlike Samurai Warriors Chronicle 2nd
– “What If?” scenarios are in the game
– Ex: what if Yoshimoto Imagawa had survived the Battle of Okehazama? What if Shingen Takeda had reached the capital?
– 4 characters playable during missions
– Some have less than 4
– Renbukan mode: imported from Samurai Warriors expansion that is all-you-can-beat during limited amount of time
– Score ranking is improved, now that players are to be divided into classes with promotion and demotion chances every week, and high-score rewards are to be determined class by class, giving chances to new players to be rewarded as well


Kadokawa Games has released the first screenshots from Derby Stallion Gold, which are posted in the gallery above. You can check out the official website here.

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