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New screenshots and details for The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokemon have come in through the game’s official website. You can find the latest batch of content below.

– Select the lead Pokemon to attack when you begin
– You can then change the Pokemon you use as previous explained
– Pokemon will disappear after you use them
– As a result, you’ll need to keep StreetPassing others
– The lead Pokemon of the person you pass determines which Pokemon you get
– Ex: if they lead with Froakie, you’ll get Froakie
– You can also buy Pokemon using Game Coins, but you’ll only get the Pokemon that matches your lead
– Game’s purpose is to bring back treasure that has been stolen by the thieves Marilyn and Riot
– Marilyn appears in Stage 4 with her Delphox
– Clear the game by beating Greninja and Delphox
– You have to decide how many Pokemon to use in each battle, based on your opponent’s strength
– Using too many up in a single battle may mean you will lose the next one because you have too few Pokmon left
– Can attempt to sneak past opponents to skip the stage, but if they spot you, the battle will commence


In Japan, Nintendo has obtained a new trademark for “Delta Emerald”. The company filed for the name on May 2, though it was only published for all to see today.

When you think of “Delta Emerald”, Pokemon Emerald is something that comes to mind. Interestingly enough, that title was released as part of the same set of games as Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire.

Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire remakes were announced for the 3DS very recently. Could Nintendo also have plans to bring out “Pokemon Delta Emerald” at some point as well?


More Medabots 8 details

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

A new round of Medabots 8 have been translated from a recent Famitsu article. Check them out below.

– Disconnected to previous entries in the series
– Stars a young boy named “Salt”
– Salt lost his father from Medabot crime
– Salt aims to become a detective because of this
– His senior officer at the Laurel Detective Agency is Anise
– Anise: renowned for her intellect and data management skills
– Story written by Yukinori Kitajima (Okamiden, Chaos Rings, and Hamatora)
– Shinto Kamichi working on character designs.
– Robots themselves will be designed by series regular Horuma Rin
– Battle system will be easier for new players to grasp
– Will still be the 3-on-3, defeat the leader, relay-style battle system the mainline Medarot RPGs are known for
– Players will have more control over attack targeting and responses to attacks
– 6,264 yen


This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
Simple DL Series Vol. 29 – The Line Puzzle – 400 yen
Dokopon Choice Shij? Saiky? no Deshi: Kenichi Vol. 1 1 – 10-kan Pack – 4,400 yen
Dokopon Choice Fairy Tail Vol. 2 11 – 20-kan Pack – 4, 400 yen
Dokopon Choice Yamada-kun to Nana-nin no Majo Vol. 1 1 – 10-kan Pack – 4, 400 yen

Virtual Console

Wii U

Downloadable Titles
Mario Kart 8 (retail title) – 5,700 yen (available 5/29)

Virtual Console
Joy Mecha Fight (Famicom) – 514 yen
Famicom Tantei Club: Kieta K?keisha (Zenk?hen) (Famicom) – 514 yen


New character details have come in for Forbidden Magna. You can find the latest information rounded up below.


– Eldest sister of the lost spirits
– You’ll first see Adelheid as an enemy
– She is considered to be the perfect weapon in battle
– All other spirits admire her
– This gives her quite a bit of confidence


– First appears alongside Adelheid
– Has a well-trained body
– She’s the type of girl who dives in headfirst without giving much thought before doing so


– Bart is Lux’s buddy
– Reliable but also a bad influence at the same time
– He’s an always-optimistic young man
– Often hangs out at the inn
– Makes a good duo with Lux, who is usually more on the serious side
– Lux makes money for the inn by digging up crystals at the mine and having Bart sell it in town
– He’s also quite the ladies’ man


– Lux’s childhood friend
– Kind, proper, and homely young lady who runs a farm near the protagonist’s home
– Since Lux met the spirit girls, she fears that he might become more distant over time


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