Suda51 wants to make a Killer7 Complete Edition, then a sequel
Posted on 7 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GameCube, News | 0 comments
Killer7 director Suda51 has interest in revisiting the game with both a Complete Edition and a sequel.
That news comes from a Grasshopper Direct presentation, which largely focused on the upcoming launch of Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered. Suda51 was present alongside Shinji Mikami, who also worked on Killer7.
Here’s what the two said during the event:
More: Capcom, Grasshopper Manufacture, Killer7, top
Suda51 interested in possible No More Heroes and Killer7 crossover, as well as a “Suda-universe”
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch | 0 comments
Suda51 recently stopped by MomoCon and hosted an hour-long panel. Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes was discussed in-depth, and it was announced that the game is making its way to new platforms – although that isn’t really relevant here.
What is relevant is that Suda51 also touched on an interesting topic during the panel. We won’t discuss this in-depth here in case we’re encroaching on territory that some feel would be spoiler-related, but something happens in Travis Strikes Again that will be of interest to Killer7 fans. And according to Suda51, what was shown in that game is canon.
Suda51 on wanting to make Travis Strikes Again its own series, Switch ports, Killer7 sequel unlikely
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GameCube, News, Switch, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Travis Strikes Again is set in the No More Heroes universe, but it’s not the typical style of gameplay that fans are accustomed to. However, we know how important it is due to director Suda51 previously mentioning that it would be connected to a possible No More Heroes 3. And if all goes well, Travis Strikes Again could create a series of its own.
Suda51 spoke about that and more in an interview with Feed4gamers. Aside from discussing the future of Travis Strikes Again, he expressed interest in putting out “as many ports as possible” for his previous games and also indicated that a Killer7 sequel is unlikely to happen since a continuation is unnecessary.
Suda51 again talks about a possible Killer7 port on Switch, says it’s up to Capcom
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Suda51 is currently busy promoting the upcoming Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, which will launch next month on Nintendo Switch. In a recent interview with Fandom Wikia, he was also asked about one of his previous games: Killer7, and whether or not there’s a chance for a Switch version of it. Here’s his response:
“I’d love to bring Killer7 to Switch. However, Capcom owns 100% of the rights to that game, it’s really thanks to them that the PC version came out at all just because they OK’d it and a publisher came along to help distribute it, which is really great. But I’d have to talk to them again to see if it’s possible to get the ball rolling on Switch. The thing about Killer 7 is that it really was a sudden release, we weren’t able to do much promotion for it before it came out, so I really feel like I have a duty to make sure that people are even aware that it exists.”
This isn’t the first time Suda51 talked about a possible Killer7 release on Nintendo Switch. Back in September, he said that strong sales of the recent Steam release of the game could lead to a Switch version.
Suda51 says strong Killer7 Steam sales could lead to a Switch port, wants a Travis Touchdown amiibo
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch | 0 comments
Killer7 first debuted on the GameCube way back in 2005. All of these years later, it’s seeing a re-release, though only on Steam at present.
No announcements have been made, but Killer7 may have a chance of appearing on Switch as well. Director Suda51 indicated in an interview with Nintendo Wire that it could happen if the title does well on Steam.
Suda51 weighs in on possible Killer7 remake
Posted on 7 years ago by Tyler(@tylerlelliott) in GameCube, News | 10 Comments
In a recent interview with GameInformer, Goichi “Suda51” Suda discusses the game designer’s “strange approach” to development. While talking about developer Grasshopper Manufacture’s other remakes, Suda51 also considers the possibility of revisiting Killer7:
The thing about Killer7 is that, right now, it’s not easy to play that game anymore right now. That’s definitely something I’d like to maybe revisit and update.
This is not the first time Suda51 has explored the idea of remaking or remastering the game. Released in 2005, Killer7 was originally planned to be a GameCube exclusive. With the upcoming Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes scheduled to be released on the Switch in 2018, might we see older Grasshopper Manufacture games see remakes on the Nintendo console in the future?
More: Capcom, Goichi Suda, Grasshopper Manufacture, Killer7, Suda51
Suda51 wants to remake / remaster Killer7
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GameCube, General Nintendo, News | 8 Comments
Grasshopper Manufacture made Killer7 for the GameCube and PlayStation 2 in partnership with Capcom over a decade ago. Goichi Suda, known for his work on projects like No More Heroes, directed the game. Now he’s interested in seeing it return.
Speaking with Hardcore Gamer, Suda51 said:
Basically, you are staying faithful to the vision so that new audiences can see it as intended. That’s exciting. Are there any other old works that you have done that you are hoping to revisit, to give this type of remastering treatment?
I feel that Killer 7 is the hardest of my games to play. I want to and feel that I need to do something about that. A remake, or remaster or something like that… (Sly grin.)
More: Goichi Suda, interview, Killer7, Suda51
Suda51 on No More Heroes and love for Travis, Killer7, cancelled Silver Case DS port
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, GameCube, News, Wii | 7 Comments
The folks over at Anime News Network have published an interview with Suda51. The two sides talked a bunch about No More Heroes, Killer7, and even the Silver Case DS port that never made it to market.
You can find a few excerpts that we’ve picked out below. For the full interview, head on over here.