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A new screenshot from Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games has surfaced showing the game’s Legends Showdown events. In the mode, players can compete against dark versions of their favorite characters.


Nintendo of America has shared photos of a Mario-themed nursery – you can find them above. It was created by two parents for their daughter.


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Super Mario 3D World’s multiplayer looks like a bunch of fun. It’s great and all that you can play locally with three other friends, but wouldn’t it have been nice to tackle the game online with others as well?

Kotaku recently decided to ask Shigeru Miyamoto about the lack of online play in Super Mario 3D World, to which he said the functionality “simply wasn’t the focus for us this time around.” Miyamoto explained that Nintendo was interested in making “something that people could experience fully while playing comfortably with others who were nearby them”.

He said:

One of Super Mario 3D World’s many new mechanics is the implementation of clear pipes. Mario and co. are able to travel to new worlds through the various pipes, and they’re actually an important part of the game’s introduction.

Super Mario 3D World co-director Kenta Motokura says “the clear pipe is something that’s just that much easier to see in this kind of presentation, and this allowed us to connect it to new ideas for gameplay.” The team eventually came up with ideas pertaining to the passage of fireballs, Goombas, and more.

Motokura said during a recent media event:

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