PEGI rates PixelJunk Monsters for Wii U as well
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
You may recall that PixelJunk Monsters was rated for Wii U by the USK last October. Nothing has come from that listing yet, but now the game has received a similar classification. A listing for
PixelJunk Monsters just popped up on the PEGI site today as well. Maybe Double Eleven will finally have some news to share soon!
More: Double Eleven, PEGI, PixelJunk Monsters
Choice Provisions bringing Tharsis to Wii U
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
A listing on PEGI, a ratings board in Europe, reveals that Choice Provisions is working on a Wii U version of Tharsis. The company previously expressed interest in porting it over, but this is the first confirmation we have that it’s actually happening. An official announcement will likely be made soon.
If you haven’t heard of Tharsis before, the following overview should come in handy:
“Earth’s first Mars mission should have been 300 days to glory. But Yuri only made it to 170, and we lost Allison after 105. Turns out, life in space is just that: life, with moods and jealousies and infuriating little failures. Only you’re a few million miles from civilization, so humanity’s frailties also happen to be deadly.
Tharsis is a turn-based, perma-death, realistic space strategy game. With dice. And cannibalism. It puts you in control of the first-ever mission to Mars, just as it’s struck by a meteor storm.
But some part of you knows this landing is possible. In fact, the more you think about those signals from the Tharsis region, the less you believe you’d be first to set foot there…
Defy the odds, make the difficult decisions, and embark on the most important rescue mission in all of mankind.”
And here’s a lengthy look at the game:
More: Choice Provisions, PEGI, Tharsis
Minecraft: Wii U Edition on the way, PEGI listing suggests
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 51 Comments
Minecraft: Wii U Edition may finally be coming to Wii U, if a listing on PEGI is anything to go by. The UK ratings board just added the game to its database today.
Minecraft is available on just about every platform, but it has yet to hit Wii U. Minecraft: Story Mode – a spinoff of the franchise made by Telltale Games – is heading to the eShop at some point soon.
International Age Rating Coalition system debuting on the eShop soon
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 18 Comments
The International Age Rating Coalition is something that we’ve previously spoken about. This system, which is already live on the likes of Google Play and the Firefox Marketplace, allows developers to collect ratings for various territories at no cost. Rather than having to submit games to different classification boards such as the ESRB (U.S.), PEGI (UK), and USK (Germany), they’re only sent in once, and you receive different ratings in return.
Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham was recently advised by his source that he should have Dementium Remastered rated through the IARC system, and that it’s coming “very soon”. Based on that information, it seems as though the system will be up sooner rather than later – likely weeks instead of months.
Terraria Wii U receives PEGI rating
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 2 Comments
Terraria was first presumed to be coming to Wii U and 3DS after listings popped up on GameFly and Amazon. Then in April, both versions were rated in Germany. Now we can add another piece of evidence to the pile, as the Wii U version has been rated by PEGI (no 3DS version yet for whatever reason).
It’s pretty bizarre that we first heard about Terraria for Wii U and 3DS around half a year ago, yet 505 Games still hasn’t made an announcement. If we don’t hear anything at E3, I’d be curious as to why the publisher is continuing on with radio silence.
Fullblast heading to the Wii U eShop
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
Fullblast is coming to Wii U, a listing from PEGI reveals. EnjoyUp Games will be handling publishing duties.
UFO Crash Games originally made Fullblast for mobile devices and Ouya. The shoot ’em up title features 12 random levels, 3 bosses, power-ups and power-downs, and a heavy metal soundtrack. Achievements and leaderboards were included in the initial release, and we’re hoping they’ll make it to the Wii U version as well.
Watch a trailer for Fullblast below.
More: EnjoyUp Games, Fullblast, indie, PEGI, UFO Crash Games
Karous: The Beast of Re: Eden receives PEGI certification in Europe
Posted on 9 years ago by Kirara Koneko(@KiraraKoneko) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Circle Entertainments Titile Karous: The Beast of Re: Eden appears to have received a PEGI certification. If you recall from last year this game was previously released in Japan on the 3DS. Although no release date has been announced at this time, if the certification is any inclination we should see one soon.
Check out the trailer for the original release below.
PEGI ratings to be expanded to the eShop
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
PEGI has announced the expansion of its rating system to mobile and digital storefronts in Europe. This comes as part of a global initiative with other classification authorities from around the world, which includes the following groups:
Pan European Game Information (PEGI) – Europe
Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK) – Germany
Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) – North America
Classificação Indicativa (ClassInd) – Brazil
Classification Board – Australia
The International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) was recently established in hopes of streamlining the process for assigning age and content ratings to digital games as well as mobile apps. At the moment, the IARC system is adopted for use in Google Play/Firefox Marketplace, but the eShop will soon be represented as well.
Ultimately, this should mean that more games will make their way to Europe. That’s because developers will be able to submit their game, and then collectively obtain age ratings for various countries. The process will be much, much simpler… and free.
PEGI rates Inazuma Eleven for 3DS
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
European ratings board PEGI has listed “Inazuma Eleven” for 3DS in its database.
It doesn’t appear to be related to the upcoming release of Team Ogre Attacks, and interestingly, the name was filed by Level-5 International America. Nintendo of Europe has been associated all previous Inazuma Eleven ratings, but not this one.
It’s even more interesting when you consider that “Inazuma Eleven” was recently listed on Nintendo’s US site. Although it was eventually removed, today’s PEGI rating may indicate that some sort of new Inazuma Eleven product is coming to North America and Europe.