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Platinum Games

There’s been a bit of confusion surrounding how Nintendo will be distributing Bayonetta 1 when Bayonetta 2 releases. We initially heard that this offer would only be available with retail copies in the states, though it was later clarified that the eShop release is also included.

And yesterday, Nintendo revealed that Bayonetta 2 would indeed ship with a separate disc in Japan. This seems to be the case in Europe as well.

Check out this excerpt from Amazon UK’s Bayonetta 2 listing:

Bayonetta comes packed in with the purchase of every retail packaged version of Bayonetta 2.

At this point, I have no clue what’s happening. Hopefully Nintendo will make things absolutely clear soon.

Source, Via

I only ended up recording the mech portion of this segment, but Nintendo has uploaded the full thing to its YouTube channel. Check it out above!

Japanese Bayonetta 2 box art

If you purchase Bayonetta 2 in North America or Europe, you’ll receive the original Bayonetta for free. This will be made available as a digital release on the eShop.

Things are a bit different in Japan. All retail copies of Bayonetta 2 come with Bayonetta on a separate disc.


– When in the Link costumes, finding items results in Zelda music
– Initially, there was an undershirt beneath Bayonetta’s Link costume
– Nintendo suggested they get rid of it, since it wasn’t fitting of Bayonetta’s character
– Hashimoto joked that he was surprised Nintendo would suggest that, but PlatinumGames went ahead and removed the undershirt
– Samus’ costume is the original Power Suit, not the Varia Suit with rounded shoulders
– You can change whether the visor on the helmet is up or down
– You can change the visor on the fly depending on your preference


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