These Pokemon have not appeared in a new main series Nintendo Switch game
Posted on 3 months ago by Ethan in Features, Switch | 0 comments
Today, we’re looking at all the unlucky Pokemon who have not been obtainable in any main series Nintendo Switch games.
The Nintendo Switch has seen two generations of Pokemon so far – three if you count the Let’s Go games. We’ve got the eighth generation, which includes Sword and Shield, Legends: Arceus, and Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. And then there’s the ninth generation, which so far only includes Scarlet and Violet but will eventually include Legends: Z-A when it releases in 2025. With all those different games, though, there are still quite a few Pokemon that haven’t been usable in any new main series titles. To clarify what that means – today, we’re going to go over every Pokemon that has not appeared in Sword, Shield, Legends: Arceus, Scarlet, or Violet. Since Let’s Go, Pikachu and Eevee and Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are remakes, we aren’t counting them for this list even though they are technically main series games. One final note before we begin – The Pokemon Company has clarified that the Legends games do in fact count as main series.
Fixing Pokemon Sword and Shield’s story with hidden details
Posted on 10 months ago by Ethan in Features, Switch | 0 comments
Today, we’re talking about Pokemon Sword and Shield’s story and how it can be improved using details that were included in the anime adaptation, but were for some reason not included in the games.
Ever since (and even before) its initial release in 2019, Pokemon Sword and Shield have been the subject of much controversy and criticism from fans. While most of this criticism revolved around the now (perhaps begrudgingly) somewhat-accepted removal of the National Dex, a good chunk of the criticism Pokemon Sword and Shield receives in the modern day revolves around its story. Mainly, the fact that it doesn’t make much sense.
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword, top
How to hunt Shiny Zygarde in Pokemon Sword and Shield
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
Playing Pokemon Sword and Shield in 2024 might sound sort of strange, but there’s actually a really good reason for it. Pokemon Legends: Z-A was recently announced for release in 2025, and it’s almost certainly going to include Zygarde in some capacity. To “prepare” for the release of the new game, some Pokemon trainers are heading back to Sword and Shield to Shiny hunt Zygarde.
Outside of events, Pokemon Sword and Shield is the only game in which you can legitimately hunt for a Shiny Zygarde. More specifically, you can only go after one in the Crown Tundra’s DLC Max Lair. This is kind of a brutal Shiny hunt, but we’ve come prepared with tips and tricks on beating Dynamax Zygarde every time.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Sword and Shield, Pokemon Legends: Arceus soundtracks to be released in Japan
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
It’s been announced that three different entries in the Pokemon series are getting official soundtrack releases in Japan – specifically Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Pokemon Sword and Shield, and Pokemon Legends: Arceus. The full set will debut on February 27, 2024.
The soundtracks for Scarlet and Violet as well as Pokemon Legends: Arceus come on four CDs. For Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, it’s six CDs. Music from all relevant DLC is included as well. Pokemon Sword and Shield has 142 tracks, Pokemon Legends: Arceus has 110, and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has a whopping 208.
Pokemon Sword and Shield hosting Max Raid Battle with Glastrier and Spectrier
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
In what could be the last major Max Raid Battle event for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield, Glastrier and Spectrier are being featured. Players can team up with other Trainers to defeat the Legendary Pokemon in battle.
Unfortunately, you won’t actually be able to catch these creatures. They’re only intended to provide a challenge in battle.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Sword and Shield Genesect, Volcanion, and Marshadow distribution to be held at GameStop / Target
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
More distributions for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are on the way to GameStop and Target, with players having the opportunity to obtain Genesect, Volcanion, and Marshadow. This applies to fans in North America and Europe – those in Australia and New Zealand can participate at their local JB Hi-Fi. Stores will be handing out codes for the Mythical Pokemon.
Below are the full distribution dates:
More: Game Freak, GameStop, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Ash’s Lucario event now live for Pokemon Sword and Shield
Posted on 2 years ago by Dawn in News, Switch | 0 comments
To celebrate the Pokemon Masters Tournament in the anime, Ash’s current team is being distributed via event code for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Despite it being targeted in Japan, it seems players worldwide can take advantage. Whilst Ash’s Sirfetch’d will remain live until September 22, Ash’s Lucario is now being distributed for the next two weeks.
The creature comes in at level 80 and has the moves Aura Sphere, Bullet Punch, Reversal, and Steel Beam. It has the ability Inner Focus.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Eternatus distribution revealed, full details
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
The Pokemon Company has revealed a new Shiny Eternatus distribution for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield, which will be held at GameStop in the US and Canada. Those in Australia and New Zealand can participate by visiting EB Games.
Players can visit these participating retailers to pick up a special code card that will let you receive the Legendary Poison- and Dragon-type Pokemon. It comes in at level 100, has a Timid Nature, and makes use of the Pressure Ability. Its moves include Dynamax Cannon, Eternabeam, Sludge Bomb, and Flamethrower.
More: Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword, top
Pokemon Sword and Shield hosting Max Raid Battle with Shiny Snom and more
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield have kicked off yet another Max Raid Battle event, this time featuring Shiny Snom and more.
Pyukumuku, Pincurchin, and Snom will be appearing more regularly while this is active. Those that are lucky enough will be able to encounter Shiny Snom as well.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Ash’s Sirfetch’d event now live for Pokemon Sword and Shield
Posted on 2 years ago by Dawn in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
To celebrate the Pokemon Masters Tournament in the anime, Ash’s current team is being distributed via event code for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Despite it being targeted in Japan, it seems players worldwide can take advantage. Whilst Ash’s Gengar will remain live until September 15, Ash’s Sirfetch’d is now being distributed for the next two weeks.
The creature comes in at level 80 and has the moves Meteor Assault, Brutal Swing, Fury Cutter, and Detect. It has the ability Steadfast and also comes holding a Leek.