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SEGA has opened the Japanese website for Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX. Access it here. You’ll be able to check out plenty of screenshots from the game!

Former SEGA of America CEO Tom Kalinske shared high praise of Nintendo while speaking with GamesIndustry.

Kalinske said that Nintendo should continue making hardware and consoles. At the same time, he feels that it would be wise for the company to try expanding its games to mobile devices like the iPhone or iPad, since it would be “a form of marketing”.

That might just be a small suggestion. Ultimately, Kalinske proclaimed: “I don’t think they should give up what they’re doing because they’re damn good at it.”

I don’t think [Nintendo] should give up hardware or consoles. I am surprised that they haven’t formed a division to extend the IP. I’d love to play some of their games on my iPhone or iPad. It’s really a form of marketing for them in a sense. They wouldn’t even need to make that much money off it, but it would keep their brands relevant with the users, including people that are older, like me. So it seems to me it’s a marketing mistake, but I don’t think they should give up what they’re doing because they’re damn good at it.”


Sonic Boom has sold 490,000 copies worldwide on Wii U and 3DS, SEGA has confirmed. The company’s report doesn’t actually clarify if that figure is shipped or sold-in to consumers. However, it’s disappointing in any case, and Sonic Boom is the worst-performing entry in the series ever.

Today’s information about Sonic Boom’s performance comes from SEGA’s latest financial report. Other interesting tidbits are as follows:

– SEGA spent $210 million on games development
– That is a 27 percent increase compared to the year prior
– Advertising expenses climbed 53 percent, up to $73 million
– SEGA is releasing 50 games by the end of the financial year in March, but combined sales of all those are expected to be about 5.4 million units
– SEGA initially expected to sell about 300,000 units of its four latest Wii U games
– That is now revised to 230,000, making it the weakest platform in terms of unit sales
– Full year expectations for 3DS 1,160,000
– SEGA’s revenue for the three-quarter period was $685 million
– After expenses, that lowers to a profit of $18 million
– SEGA is now organizing a sweeping business restructure, which will rebuild the corporation into three divisions, as part of a wider plan to “drastically improve profitability”
– At least 300 positions at the corporation are targeted for redundancy
– SEGA has set aside $125 million for the restructure costs
– SEGA expects to lose $110m for the full year

Source 1, Source 2

3D Steets of Rage 2 doesn’t seem exist yet. That’s why it’s peculiar how the game has been rated over in Australia. Could 3D Steets of Rage 2 be happening at some point?

Source, Via

3D Fantasy Zone is coming to the North American 3DS eShop this week. According to a listing on Nintendo’s website, it’s due out on February 12 for $5.99. Europe should be getting 3D Fantasy Zone on Thursday as well.


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