Off-screen Sonic Boom development shot
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Images, Wii U | 13 Comments
The shot above is likely from a rough version of the game, but it’s still neat to look at. It shows what potentially may be Sonic Boom’s HUD, camera angle, etc.
MapleStory: The Girl’s Fate screenshots
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
More: Japan, MapleStory: The Girl's Fate, SEGA
A few 3D OutRun tidbits
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
3D OutRun is more than just a re-release with stereoscopic 3D. SEGA and M2 are including a virtual Deluxe Version, featuring a simulated arcade cabinet much like 3D Space Harrier.
There’s also a new version of the game (new car, five kinds of goals, four other customization parts) plus the new songs “Cruising Line” from Black Rock Shooter: The Game composer Manabu Namiki and “Camino ami Amor” from Jane-Evelyn Nisperos.
3D OutRun screenshots
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Screenshots | 0 comments
3D OutRun heading to the Japanese 3DS eShop next week
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
SEGA will be releasing the next entry in its 3D Classics line next week. 3D Out Run will launch on April 23 in Japan, the company confirmed today. Pricing is set at 762 yen.
You can find the official 3D Out Run website here.
Iizuka on using Link’s tunic for Sonic Lost World’s Zelda Zone DLC
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
Sonic Lost World’s Zelda Zone features the hedgehog dressed up in Link’s garb. But in the Yoshi Zone, Sonic’s appearance remains the same.
Producer Takashi Iizuka explained why this is so to 4Gamer in a recent interview. For the Yoshi DLC, SEGA wanted to focus on Sonic running around and collecting eggs. But for the Zelda Zone, even though Hyrule Field appears, some players may not be familiar with the series and may have felt that it was nothing more than an average area. Iizuka therefore took charge in making sure Sonic was dressed as Link.
“While talking with the designers, we were wondering how we could have Sonic wear these clothes and look normal while covering his spikes,” Iizuka said. “In any case, I was definitely worried at the time of designing.”
More: DLC, SEGA, Sonic Lost World, Takashi Iizuka
No more Sonic Lost World DLC planned
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 4 Comments
SEGA ended up creating three different pieces of DLC for Sonic Lost World. We saw content based on Nights, Yoshi, and The Legend of Zelda.
Those who may have been hoping for more Sonic Lost World DLC will be disappointed to hear that there’s nothing else planned. Producer Takashi Iizuka told 4Gamer in a recent interview:
You can see from our design of the DLC introduction page on our official site, we decided from the beginning that we would do three pieces of DLC. We are continuing to make it free, which is a bit difficult for SEGA, since both Yoshi’s Island Zone and The Legend of Zelda Zone were both in collaboration with Nintendo, but SEGA doesn’t have any kind of tradeout from there (note: means this next DLC is not being funded by another source).
Iizuka also mentioned to 4Gamer that for the Zelda DLC, working with Nintendo went smoothly. “We were able to work with so much material in the making of The Legend of Zelda Zone,” he told the site. “I have to say, in making Dodongo’s Cavern into a cylinder-shaped stage, we were all able to easily agree on it.”
As for what lies ahead for Sonic Team, Iizuka said that he’s not in a position to discuss anything at this time.
We’ll have a few more quotes from Iizuka’s interview with 4Gamer within the next couple of days.
More: DLC, SEGA, Sonic Lost World
Takashi Iizuka on Sonic Lost World’s Yoshi/Zelda DLC – development, no Mario stage, more
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
When Sonic Lost World was first revealed, not many would have predicted that the game would eventually feature crossover DLC with Yoshi and The Legend of Zelda. So how the heck did these two Nintendo collaborations come to be?
Producer Takashi Iizuka, speaking with Japanese outlet 4Gamer, said the concept came to him about six months prior to releasing the game. “This time, Sonic Lost World is a title that only released on Nintendo hardware, which is an opportunity that I couldn’t believe, collaborating together,” he said.
Originally, Iizuka hoped to include the Yoshi and Zelda Zones in the main game. But scheduling was too late, and they became free DLC items instead.
4Gamer did ask if Mario was ever considered as a potential candidate for Nintendo DLC. The short answer: not really.