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Update: We report with great disappointment that the game is a fighter for arcades. It definitely seemed like a Nintendo Direct announcement was coming, but it wasn’t meant to be.

Original: A new Shining game is set to be announced by day’s end, and it sounds like a reveal could be taking place during tonight’s Nintendo Direct.

On Twitter, producer Tsuyoshi Sawada teased that “a little announcement” will be made tomorrow morning. Sawada confirmed that it’s not an RPG, but didn’t give any additional details.

Today’s Nintendo Direct will be taking place at 5 PM ET, which is actually 7 AM tomorrow in Japan. You know what that means…

Source, Via

Details rounded up from the interview above include:

  • The Wii U GamePad will be used to display a map and upgrades, as well as another function which is yet to be unveiled
  • The game follows an adventure style with currency and upgrades for the characters
  • The game is more “organically” challenging, in that difficulty arises from skill in combat and finding hidden secrets as opposed to enemies just becoming tougher
  • All the levels in the game are connected by the story and its locations
  • You will mainly use two characters at a time during gameplay, but all four will show up in hubs and boss fights
  • There will be points in the game where you are required to use a certain character to proceed
  • The game will be very character driven, with a lot of focus put onto each individual character and their unique abilities
  • We will “definitely” be seeing other characters from the Sonic series making an appearance – these will be revealed over the coming months
  • Inspiration is being taken from Sonic 2, Sonic Adventure, and Sonic Generations

Source, Via

Latest Hero Bank details

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

SEGA’s latest trailer for Hero Bank has brought us a bunch of extra details about the game. Read the latest roundup of information below.

– Kaito Gosho can buy weapons, traps, and more while the fight is happening
– Shop has crazy prices for items such as an electric trap
– Need to spend money to win
– Kaito Gosho is ultimately a kid saddled with a one billion yen debt in real life that he’s going to have to pay off somehow
– Can perform a clean knockout punch or pinfall opponents
– Doing the latter while their hit points are still decent can be dangerous, as they’ll have enough strength to push you off
– Will need to extort exhort the crowd while fighting
– This charges your money/popularity gauge and helps increase your earnings when you win


There hasn’t been much Wii U news coming out of Japan these days, but this week’s Famitsu does have a release date for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

Leaks indicate that the title will be available for Wii U and PS3 on May 15. Pricing is set at 6,980 yen. The latest leaks don’t mention any of Transformed’s other versions such as 3DS.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed originally launched for Wii U on November 18, 2012, so this has been a long time coming for Japan.


Since launch, SEGA has shipped around 640,000 copies of Sonic Lost World. That’s combined sales of both versions – Wii U and 3DS.

In its latest financial report, SEGA said “sales were low due to the harsh market environment.”

SEGA just announced its next game in the Sonic franchise, Sonic Boom, for Wii U and 3DS. A release date for the title hasn’t been confirmed at this time.

Source 1, Source 2, Via

SEGA has released more screenshots and information for two more characters found in Initial D Perfect Shift Online. All of the new content is posted below.

Fujiwara Takumi:

– Main protagonist of the show
– Known as more of a “gut feel” instinctual talent
– Before he began to street race, he refined his chops unknowingly when his father made him deliver tofu up to the top of a mountain every night
– He had a cup of water that he wasn’t allowed to spill a single drop of in the cup holder
– Drives a Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX AE86
– Given out for free in the beta

Fujiwara Bunta:

– Once king of the Akina downhill races
– Now a tofu shop owner
– Uses the Subaru Impreza WRX STI Type R Version V GC8


Sonic Boom site open

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 0 comments

SEGA has opened the official site for Sonic Boom. Access it here. You can find content concerning the upcoming game, TV show, and merchandise.

Thanks to Tytygh for the tip.

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