Snake Pass – “How To Play” video
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 2 Comments
Sumo Digital prepared a new video for Snake Pass explaining the control scheme used across all platforms. You can watch it below.
More: Snake Pass, Sumo Digital
Sumo Digital shares Snake Pass price, first dev diary
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop, Videos | 5 Comments
Snake Pass, which is on track for a late March release, has now been given a price point. The platformer will cost $19.99 / £16.99 / €19.99.
The first developer diary for Snake Pass is now online.
More: Snake Pass, Sumo Digital
Another look at Snake Pass with composer David Wise
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos | 0 comments
Sumo Digital hosted one of its usual live streams for Snake Pass at the end of last week. More footage of the game was shown, and composer David Wise even stopped by. View the full recording below.
More: Snake Pass, Sumo Digital
[Interview] Sumo Digital shares more details about Snake Pass, talks Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Interviews, Switch eShop | 9 Comments
Sumo Digital has a new 3D platformer heading to Switch very soon. At the end of March, Snake Pass will be showing up on the eShop.
We caught up with Sumo Digital this month to learn more about Snake Pass. The team spoke to us about its inspirations, Doodle the Hummingbird sidekick, game length, and more. Sumo also had a bit to say about bringing Snake Pass to Switch.
For our full interview, continue on below.
More: highlight, interview, Snake Pass, Sumo Digital, top
Snake Pass launches for Switch on March 28 (US) / March 29 (EU)
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 17 Comments
Update 2: Trailer is now back up. Also, Sumo Digital has now clarified that Snake Pass launches on March 28 in North America and March 29 in Europe.
Update: Video is now offline. It should be back up tomorrow.
Original: Snake Pass isn’t too far away from launching on Switch. As shown in a new trailer, the platformer is set to arrive on March 29.
Here’s the video:
Sumo Digital announced last week that David Wise is on board as the composer for Snake Pass. You can listen to a couple of samples here.
More: Snake Pass, Sumo Digital, top
David Wise composing the soundtrack for Snake Pass
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 15 Comments
Update 2 (2/10): Sumo Digital has now made the news official. Here are a couple of previews:
Update: Well, maybe not. It still may very well be happening, but it seems this blurb has already been removed from the Steam page. We’ll try to get an official answer for you soon.
Original (2/9): Snake Pass has a big name working on its soundtrack. According to the official Steam page, David Wise is handling the music.
Wise is one of the most well-known composers working in the gaming industry right right. In his early days, he worked on a bunch of games for Rare. More recently, he was involved with Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and the upcoming Yooka-Laylee.
We should have more on Snake Pass in the near future.
More: Snake Pass, Sumo Digital
First Snake Pass footage on Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 11 Comments
During a live stream earlier today, Sumo Digital showcased the first footage of Snake Pass on Switch. Head past the break for the full archive with gameplay.
More: Snake Pass, Sumo Digital, top
Snake Pass coming to Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 23 Comments
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed developer has announced that its new puzzle-platformer Snake Pass is planned for Switch.
Even though it’s been in development for just a month, Sumo Digital COO Paul Porter says it’s going well. He said:
“Considering the short amount of time we have been working on the platform and the fact that the Switch isn’t launched yet, things have gone surprisingly well. We had the game up and running within a week. Nintendo and Epic have given us tremendous support when needed. The use of Unreal gave us a great head start when we first got the hardware.”
Eurogamer reports that Snake Pass supports TV, tabletop and handheld modes on the Switch, running at 30 frames per second at 720p when undocked. It will be 30 frames per second and 1080p when docked.
Snake Pass will launch on Switch at the same time as other platforms early this year. Watch a trailer for the game below.
More: Snake Pass, Sumo Digital, top
Sumo on making Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Mario Kart 7 reaction, open to another sequel
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 11 Comments
Sumo Digital worked with SEGA to release Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing in 2010. It was a racer starring Sonic and a bunch of other characters based on SEGA’s various franchises. The game was well-received, and the two companies then returned in 2012 with the sequel Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. The racing was just as good, and Sumo did everything it could to make an even bigger and better game.
While reflecting on the sequel in last month’s issue of EDGE, executive producer Steve Lycett told the magazine:
“It was basically, ‘What if we had vehicles which transformed and [travelled across] land, air and sea?’ That was the initial back-of-a-fag-packet idea that became the basis of Transformed.”
“We made everything fourplayer; we made sure every single track had its own individual [style]. In a way, we almost didn’t care what Sega thought, as long as the fans were happy. We said we wanted to deliver absolutely everything we could, and we never pulled back from that, to the point where we were sneaking updates and various bits and pieces under the radar.”
Off-screen Disney Infinity 3.0 Toy Box Speedway “Sugar Rush” track and hub world footage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Family Gamer TV’s latest Disney Infinity 3.0 video gives us another look at the Toy Box Speedway. In addition to the Sugar Rush track, we also have footage of the hub world. Take a look below: