Terraria: Switch version development update, alpha build submitted for review
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
A Switch version of the hit PC game in Terraria has been in development for quite some time – it was initially announced almost two years ago, even before the Switch’s launch. Since then, the game has been quietly pushed back several times; however, it seems like we might now actually be close to the game’s release. An official development update on the Switch version was shared on the official Terraria forums:
The team at Pipeworks is happy to announce that we’ve hit a major milestone in Switch development. Our alpha build has been submitted for review, which means major gameplay systems are in-game and ready for Re-Logic to check out. Pipeworks will be focused on our beta milestone now which means bug fixes, polish, and addressing other feedback from both 505 Games & Re-Logic.
Expect Switch livestreams, feature showcases, and other forms of content to start appearing in your feeds as we get closer to beta.
The team is thrilled at the state of our alpha build and we can’t wait to show you all the work that has been going on behind-the-scenes! It’ll be worth the wait.
A game entering its alpha version usually means that its release isn’t too far off. Hopefully we’ll hear more about Terraria’s Switch version soon.
More: 505 Games, Pipeworks Studio, Re-Logic, Terraria
Physical listing of Terraria for Switch appears
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
We heard from Pipeworks Studio this week that Terraria is still in the works for Switch. Interestingly, a listing for the game has now appeared on Amazon Canada. That would seem to confirm that a physical version is happening similar to 3DS and Wii U.
As for an estimated release window, Amazon Canada sadly doesn’t provide anything new there. The retailer merely lists an obviously placeholder of December 31.
Terraria was originally intended for release on Switch sometime in 2017. We’re without a release date, but perhaps Amazon Canada’s listing is a sign that we could be seeing it sooner rather than later.
More: 505 Games, Pipeworks Studio, Re-Logic, Terraria
Terraria still on track for Switch
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Terraria was announced for Switch a year ago. Despite that, we’ve barely seen any news since the initial confirmation.
While there still isn’t much to report, Pipeworks says that the Switch version of Terraria is still happening. The developer relayed on Twitter:
Terraria was actually supposed to drop on Switch sometime in 2017. When we have some concrete news to share, we’ll bring it to you here.
More: 505 Games, Pipeworks Studio, Re-Logic, Terraria
Terraria should launch for Switch at version 1.3, update won’t be on Wii U / 3DS
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Switch, Wii U | 0 comments
Terraria has a big update on the way. Version 1.3 adjusted existing elements, brought in new events such as Martian Madness and Slime Rain, new furniture and potions, and an Expert mode.
When Terraria makes its way to Switch, it should come with the new version. Also, due to various restrictions, the update will not be distributed on Wii U or 3DS.
Footage of Terraria 1.3 can be found in the video below.
More: 505 Games, Pipeworks Studio, Terraria
Pipeworks Studio working on Terraria for Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 2 Comments
Engine Software handled the Wii U version of Terraria while CodeGlue was responsible for the 3DS release. The game was also just announced for Switch today, and that edition is being handled by the main console team.
Pipework Studio is behind Terraria on Switch. In case you’re curious, that’s the same group in charge of the title on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
More: 505 Games, Pipeworks Studio, Terraria
Terraria 3DS update should be out this week (version 1.04)
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 4 Comments
If all goes according to plan, Terraria’s big 3DS update should be ready in just a few days. 505 Games estimates that the patch will be up tomorrow in North America and Friday morning in Europe.
Those who missed the news about Terraria’s 1.04 update can learn about the additions and changes here. Among other things, players on New 3DS will be able to create larger worlds.
More: 505 Games, Re-Logic, Terraria, title update
Terraria 3DS version 1.04 submitted to Nintendo, details – expanded worlds on New 3DS and more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS, News | 1 Comment
The next update for Terria on 3DS is on the way, and it’s quite substantial.
As we heard about before, expanded worlds are coming to players on New 3DS. The team also fixed a number of issues/bugs and also brought it more in line with the PC version.
Here’s the full lowdown:
The 1.04 update is in submission with Nintendo. We’re hoping to be able to release the update globally by the end of November, but until the update clears Nintendo’s checks we won’t be in a position to project a date. The focus of the work for the milestone was stability and being able to offer Expanded Worlds to New 3DS owners, as we have previously communicated.
The stability round was obviously priority number one to those of you having issues. In our own testing we found the game to be almost always stable, but Terraria is a game that everyone plays differently and a minority of you were experiencing crash issues that were blighting your experience. We’ve worked very hard to put in global fixes for these kinds of issues, and along the way encountered some very odd edge cases. Rather than try and explain every issue, we’ve pulled out a few from a long list that you might find interesting:
More: 505 Games, Re-Logic, Terraria, title update
Terraria – final Wii U update out now, 3DS patch in the works including larger worlds on New 3DS
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS, News, Wii U | 4 Comments
There’s plenty of news surrounding the Nintendo versions of Terraria.
First, on Wii U, a “catch-up” patch is out now. The update is about “clearing up the handful of issues from the launch of that version” and also “brings Wii U into line with the other consoles in terms of content.” That means the inclusion of the Stylist, plus new mechanic fixes and items. The full patch notes are here.
This will actually be the last update for Terraria on Wii U. Writing on the Terraria forums, 505 said:
“This update is intended to draw a line under Terraria on Wii U as it did with the other platforms – so we are afraid that no further updates for Wii U will be possible due to technical limitations. Bear in mind that you now have the same great content in two hits. There were more updates on the other platforms simply because they were released earlier. The content is the same. The logic for being unable to further update Wii U is, regrettably, the same as the ‘old gen’ machines – though the Wii U does admittedly have more resources than the 360/PS3, it is still a fraction as capable as PS4 and Xbox One, and we need all their available horsepower to take Terraria where we want to go next. This version will still be able to play online, so you can continue to enjoy it as long as you’re gaming on the Wii U platform. By the time the next update rolls out on PS4/Xbox One we’ll be very close to the launch of NX… But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
On the 3DS side of things, CodeGlue is developing a content update for later in the year. They’ll be looking to address reported issue with stability and crashes while implementing fixes as well. These include:
– Now to able to deactivate pets
– Chain gun accuracy fixed
– Ice Queen no longer blocks everything else from spawning
– Items from Angler are fixed
– Orb projectiles sped up
– Acorns don’t just grow on grass
– Flowers in pots grow to full maturity
– Tempest staff bugs fixed
The team is currently pushing what is possible on 3DS. However, the ability to hammer into stairs is being looked into, along with “a few other treats.”
If you’re a New 3DS owner, you’ll be happy to hear that the new update will allow for larger worlds, which “is likely to be the same as the small world on the PC version.”
“Not only will this give you a bigger canvas for your adventure, it will also help us eliminate the occasional worldgen issues that can happen when you try to squash all of the parts of a Terraria world into a smaller space. The enhanced specifications of New 3DS makes this possible! Do note that players will not then be able to invite original 3DS gamers into these larger worlds. We didn’t take the decision to offer split content between original and New 3DS lightly, but we’ve maxed out the older unit and we felt like there was still more to give to Nintendo handheld gamers. All 3DS units will be eligible for the update, but only New 3DS players will see the benefit of larger worlds.”
More: 505 Games, Re-Logic, Terraria, title update
13 minutes of Terraria Wii U footage
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
13 minutes of footage has surfaced from the Wii U version of Terraria. You can watch the gameplay below.
Terraria – digital Wii U release and day one update, 3DS patch news
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 4 Comments
505 Games posted an update on the official Terraria forums about the upcoming Wii U release as well as the already-released 3DS edition.
On Wii U, as we already know, the disc version is planned for June 28 in North America and June 26 in Europe. It’ll apparently be up on the eShop June 16 – a week later than was has been shown on the European store. There will be a day one patch that comes in at about 50MB.
505 Games also had this to say about having Wii U in line with the other console versions: