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Yacht Club Games

Yacht Club Games is currently planning Shovel Knight’s launch for Japan, which may (or may not) directly involve Nintendo.

One fan asked the studio on Twitter if there are any arrangements with Nintendo to get the indie game out on the Japanese eShop. Yacht Club wrote back with the following:


Yacht Club Games shared a comprehensive breakdown of Shovel Knight’s sales in a new blog post.

In its first week, the indie title managed to sell 75,000 copies (taking out Kickstarter pre-sales). Yacht Club said, “It blew our 2x-4x pre-sale expectation out of the water”.

There are a few reasons we think our preorder prediction ended up being such a conservative estimate. One is…we were a Kickstarter! That’s not quite the same thing as a preorder. People could only attain the preorder for a limited time, so the stats aren’t 100% aligned with what a preorder would do. We think due to the PC nature of Kickstarter, we saw a higher amount of sales on Nintendo’s platform when the game actually got released. Nintendo users are more inclined to buy the game day one rather than through a preorder on Kickstarter. Finally, the preorder prediction isn’t a set in stone statistic, but more like a guideline for what to expect. We had done a lot of promotion and marketing at conventions and on media sites to prove ourselves over the course of the year, and we think people responded to it in kind! Nintendo also did an amazing job supporting us through their store placement and own marketing channels.

Shovel Knight will soon be receiving a title update on Wii U and 3DS that will bring the game up to version 1.1. It’s already out on PC, though Nintendo players will need to wait just a bit longer.

Below are Shovel Knight’s 1.1 update notes in full:

Shovel Knight has been out for a few weeks in North America, but our friends in Europe, Australia, and Japan are still waiting on the game. So what’s the status of things currently?

Yacht Club Games shared a status update on its blog today, and published a few handy images:

There’s lots of information about what each of these steps mean on Yacht Club’s official blog.

A Shovel Knight update for Wii U should be arriving soon, as Yacht Club Games says that it’s “rolling out today.” It’s a single fix intended to address an issue with Tinker Knight. The same update will hit 3DS in the near future.

Yacht Club Games also confirmed on Twitter today that a larger Shovel Knight patch is in the works. This will “address common issues, requests, and concerns”.

Shovel Knight butt mode

Shovel Knight has a wholeeeee lot of cheats. One of these, the “Butt Mode”, might just be the most humorous one yet.

By entering “WSWWAEAW” as your name when starting Shovel Knight, mentions for various reoccurring words such as Shovel, Knight, Health, and Magic are replaced with the word “Butt”. Lovely, isn’t it?

You can find more cheat codes here.

Source, Via

Shovel Knight has been highly trumpeted by Nintendo since the game’s early days of development, up through release. Heck, the title is even playable at the Nintendo World store right now.

All in all, Yacht Club Games’ Nick Wozniak says Nintendo has “been really accommodating to our weird requests, and getting stuff done to see if they can promote us better.”

You can find Wozniak’s full comments about working with the Big N below.

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