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The newest Tempest Trial is now available for players to try and earn points for. This Tempest Trial features Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia characters and offers Tobin as a reward instead of Marth. There will also be daily quests related to the trials for players to try and complete and on July 14th through the rest of the event the rewards for these daily quests will be doubled. The Tempest Trials: Resonating Fangs will be available until July 21st.

WWE 2K18 has been listed by some retailer beforehand, but now we are getting it from Gamestop Ireland. With both of these now it looks like it might be likely for the game to be available on the Nintendo Switch, however they both could also be mistaken. We’ll have to wait and see.


The official ARMS Twitter continues to add new artwork from the colorful cast of characters, this time we get not only Kid Cobra but also some new artwork showing off the lore of the ARMS world. You can check out both images below.



We got two new Pokken Tournament DX trailers for the game, each trailer sharing information in Japanese about the game. You can take a look at both videos below.

Today’s Fire Emblem Heroes update we have new special maps in the form of A & C Bound Hero Battle maps ranging from hard to infernal difficulty levels, you will be awarded orbs on their completion. In story maps, chain challenge and squad assault are now available for play for the first time. Plus, there is a new summoning focus with emphasis on three of Fire Emblem Echoes’ characters: Clair, Lukas and Genny. All of the special maps and the focus will remain available until July 13th.

Bplus Games Tweeted out that Puzzle Box Maker would be making its way to the Nintendo Switch this autumn. There isn’t too much more information provided, besides the fact that it is coming and a logo. More information seems to be coming soon.


NintenDaan has uploaded a new video showcasing Shantae in the newest Blaster Master Zero DLC. She looks to retain a lot of her original game’s charm, check it out below.

Here are some screenshots of Implosion: Never Lose Hope for the Nintendo Switch. You can check out the whole gallery down below.


We’ve got a lot of new screens of horizontal and vertical modes in Namco Museum, there is also some screenshots of Pacman VS as well. You can check out all the images below, Namco Museum will be releasing later this month.


On the official Ubisoft Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle webpage there is now an interview with one of the characters of the game, Rabbid Peach. It’s definetly a pretty quirky thing to do, you can see the first few snippets below and the entire interview here if you are craving more.

First off, it’s a pleasure to have you here Rabbid Peach! How are you adjusting to your new life here?

“Well, it’s certainly…different. There’s a lot of butt to kick, and you KNOW I do it well. I might not have a nose, but I can smell my enemies’ fear! There’s definitely not enough class for a girl like me though, have you SEEN the clothes these bad guys are wearing? Yuck.”

Understandable! You mentioned kicking butt there, care to elaborate?

“Oh gosh, it’s easy really, darling. I mean the rest of my beloved team might struggle sometimes, but I’ll gladly put them all on my back. These bad guys mean nothing to me, if anything they’re just good exercise!”


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