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Keep up to date on the latest events in Dragalia Lost, and see the video for the latest summon showcase:

  • Dragalia Lost was updated to version 1.18.2 today! To celebrate the update, we’ve sent everyone a Tenfold Summon Voucher!
  • The Scars of the Syndicate (Part One) summon showcase starts Apr. 1, 11 PM PT! The showcase will feature adventurers and dragons such as 5★ adventurer Bellina and 5★ dragon Andromeda!
  • The Dragalia Lost Shop’s purchase count for items that can only be bought a set number of times a month and the exchange limits for rewards in the Astral Raids and Void Battles Treasure Trades were refreshed on Mar. 31, 11 PM PT!

A new trailer has dropped from miHoYo, featuring the recently-revealed Fischl. Additionally, a swath of new screenshots have been released, showing off the beautiful world of Teyvat. Focusing on the Mondstadt and Lyiue regions this time, you can see the descriptions below, along with an image gallery at the bottom of this post:

The Battle Villa has been reset as of today. With this rotation, new battles can be won with different opposing teams. Rewards from the previous rotation can be claimed by entering the Battle Villa, so be sure to check it out if you participated before. This rotation should be set until April 15th. If you haven’t participated in Battle Villa before, be mindful that you must clear the main story’s Chapter 7 beforehand.

Here’s the daily roundup of the latest events going on in Dragalia Lost:

A new update is now live for Dragalia Lost, bringing the version number to 1.18.2. While there aren’t a lot of patch notes, there is a message from Dragalia Lost’s website here:

Update 1.18.2, which fixes certain issues, will be available for download around 11:00 PM, Mar 30, 2020.
You may install it when it becomes available; otherwise, an automatic update will occur at approximately 11:00 PM, Mar 31, 2020.
It may take time for the store to reflect the updated information. Players may not be able to perform updates due to their device’s data cache being full. If you are unable to perform the update, restart your device, and then try downloading it from the store.

Another character has been introduced by miHoYo, with details about the character showing up on their forum. You can see the introduction below, as well of a couple of gifs of the character in action, courtesy of Gematsu:

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

A new update has gone live for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, bringing the version number up to 1.1.1. There’s one patch note:

  • Fixes a major issue impacting game balance.

Our guess is that this is to correct the recently-discovered item duplication glitch that made its way around social media in the last couple of days. Please make sure to update your software as soon as possible to ensure that you can continue to play online.

Here’s the latest news for Dragalia Lost:

  • A daily free tenfold summon event, which will allow you to perform a tenfold summon on the applicable summon showcases for free once per day, starts Mar. 26, 11 PM PT!
  • Platinum Showcase 1 will start on Mar. 26, 11 PM PT! When you perform a tenfold summon, one of these 5★ Gala Dragalia adventurers is guaranteed to appear: Luca, Cleo, Ranzal, or Sarisse!
  • Platinum Showcase 2 will also start on Mar. 26, 11 PM PT! When you perform a tenfold summon, one of these 5★ Gala Dragalia adventurers is guaranteed to appear: Elisanne, the Prince, or Mym!

Pokemon Home

Pokemon’s cloud-based monster keeper has seen a new update arrive on mobile platforms. Players can now update via their respective mobile device’s app deployment service. Today’s 25MB update brings us this single, lonely patch note once again:

Bug fixes,

Have you enjoyed Pokemon Home?

Pokemon Sword/Shield

The Wild Area has shifted once again, seeing Snorlax, Machamp, and Gengar tag out. The new arrivals this time are Gigantamax Copperajah, Charizard, Garbodor, Duraludon. It would seem the item drops this time are more focused on rare berries, but you can see the entire drop rate list via Serebii here. Are there any Pokemon you’ll be chasing this round?

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