[Feature] Nintendo@E3 2014: A Roundup of the Digital Event and My Thoughts
Posted on 10 years ago by Spencer(@spencerstevens) in Features, Previews | 8 Comments
Author: Spencer
Another E3 has come and gone, and now it’s time to round up the news of what was announced at video gaming’s biggest show. The Big N was there once again to show off some great new games. Let’s take a look at what they showcased this year, and I’ll give my thoughts along the way.
In 2013, Nintendo shocked everyone by choosing not to have a press conference at E3. Instead, they opted for a special E3 version of their Nintendo Direct series. However, they still brought us news about lots of new games, just as we’d expect if they had done a live press conference. With lots of news about the new Super Smash Bros., as well as announcements of several 3DS and Wii U games coming out that fall, they did not disappoint. This year, they again opted out of having a live press conference, and had a roughly 45-minute-long“Digital Event.” Here’s what they had to show.
[Review] Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS)
Posted on 10 years ago by Spencer(@spencerstevens) in 3DS, Features, Reviews | 8 Comments
System: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: May 2nd, 2014 (NA), May 16th, 2014 (EU)
Developer: HAL Laboratory
Publisher: Nintendo
Author: Spencer
Everyone’s favorite pink puff has finally returned in his first adventure on the Nintendo 3DS, Kirby: Triple Deluxe.
Out of the box, Triple Deluxe consists of three gameplay modes: Story Mode, Kirby Fighters, and Dedede’s Drum Dash. The Story Mode is straightforward: Dreamland is in danger, and it’s up to Kirby to save the day. This time, a mysterious new villain has uprooted Kirby’s home with massive magical vines and sent everything sky-high! Players navigate Kirby through many levels in seven worlds as he makes his ascent to the top of the menacing entanglement.
More: 3DS, highlight, Kirby Triple Deluxe, review
[REVIEW] Bike Rider DX (3DS)
Posted on 11 years ago by Spencer(@spencerstevens) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, Features, Reviews | 0 comments

System: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: August 1st, 2013 (NA) – August 15th, 2013 (EU)
Developer: Spicysoft
Publisher: Spicysoft
Author: Spencer
As far as gameplay goes, Bike Rider DX is quite simple. You control a stick figure riding a bike on 2D plane while jumping onto platforms and over gaps and obstacles,. The bike rides automatically, so the only real control is pressing the A button to jump. You can also double-jump, as indicated by one of the loading screen tooltips (of which there are only two, due to the simplicity of this game), and even triple-jump if timed correctly, although I found this out completely by accident. Optionally, you can use left and right on the directional pad to adjust your bike’s position on the screen, which is helpful for this game as it is for the most part about timing jumps from platform to platform. You complete each course by reaching the finish pole, and you fail courses by falling into pits or crashing into walls or obstacles.
One-button gameplay might work in a game with more depth, involvement, or variety– like Kirby Air Ride, which had several different gameplay modes, objectives, maps, etc– but in a game where you are simply jumping over holes on 2D maps where the only real variance is the aesthetics, it just comes off as monotonous and repetitive.
[Feature] Still not convinced? Five reasons to pick up Pikmin 3 next week
Posted on 11 years ago by Spencer(@spencerstevens) in Features, Wii U | 1 Comment

Author: Spencer
It has been nearly a decade since the release of Pikmin 2 on the GameCube, but fans are finally seeing the return of their favorite little floral minions with the impending release of Pikmin 3. Let’s take a look at what new things players can expect in what is promising to be a smash hit for the Wii U.
[Review] Urban Trial Freestyle (3DS)
Posted on 11 years ago by Spencer(@spencerstevens) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, Features, Reviews | 3 Comments

System: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: June 27th, 2013
Developer: Strangelands Ltd.
Publisher: Strangelands Ltd.
Cost: $7.99 ($5.59 until July 4th)
Author: Spencer
In the early-to-mid 2000s, if you ever had a class in school that was in the computer lab, chances are everyone was doing one thing — playing addicting Flash games. Such games were so addicting because they would provide plenty of levels, challenge, and frustration, and everyone was trying to get farther than their friends, or asking “if you got past that one part,” and if so, “HOW DID YOU DO IT?!”
Why am I mentioning flash games in a review for a 3DS game? Because Urban Trial Freestyle— like the games it takes obvious inspiration from, Trials Evolution and Trials HD— is heavily based on those old physics-challenge motocross flash games, which drew influence from the Motocross Maniacs games before that. I’m not going to be throwing around legal terms or calling anything a “blatant rip-off,” however, because regardless of originality, Urban Trial Freestyle is a very fun game.
[Feature] Everything we know about Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Posted on 11 years ago by Spencer(@spencerstevens) in 3DS, Features | 0 comments

System: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: July 12th (EUR), July 13th (AUS), July 18th (JPN) August 11th (NA)
Developer: AlphaDream
Publisher: Nintendo
Author: Spencer
Nintendo’s hit RPG series Mario & Luigi lands its first entry on the 3DS on August 11th. As the famous brothers make the leap to 3D, they’re bringing new adventures, puzzles, battles, and unique gameplay along with them. Plus, the spotlight this time around is not on who you might think. Hit the jump to learn more about this exciting new first-party title.
[Feature] Looking ahead to Sonic: Lost World
Posted on 11 years ago by Spencer(@spencerstevens) in 3DS, Features, Wii U | 0 comments

System: Nintendo Wii U/3DS
Release Date: TBA, Late 2013
Developer: Sonic Team
Publisher: SEGA
Author: Spencer
This year, Sega announced a partnership with Nintendo to bring three Sonic the Hedgehog games exclusively to Nintendo platforms, namely the Wii U and 3DS. The first game they announced was Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games, a new entry in the Mario & Sonic Olympics series. The second game is a core Sonic title, Sonic: Lost World. Coming later this year to Wii U and 3DS, this new game will see Sonic on a whole new adventure in a new world.
Hit the jump to see what we know so far about Sonic: Lost World.
[Preview] Two Cartoon Network hits make the leap to gaming, courtesy of WayForward
Posted on 11 years ago by Spencer(@spencerstevens) in 3DS, Features, Previews | 0 comments

Author: Spencer
[Preview] Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
Posted on 11 years ago by Spencer(@spencerstevens) in 3DS, Features, Previews | 0 comments

Author: Spencer
Earlier this year, Nintendo announced that they were hard at work on re-releasing their hit Wii game Donkey Kong Country Returns for the 3DS, not surprisingly titled Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. The game is essentially a carbon copy port of the Wii version aside from a few new additions explained after the break, but all the core levels and gameplay mechanics have been retained.
So, what can players expect from this handheld version? Hit the jump to find out.
[Preview] 6 Things to Look Forward to in Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Posted on 11 years ago by Spencer(@spencerstevens) in 3DS, Features, Podcast Stories, Previews | 0 comments

Author: Spencer
The North American release of Animal Crossing: New Leaf is drawing near! Nintendo Everything is here to let players know what they should be getting excited to experience in this highly-anticipated new addition to the franchise.