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When Mario Kart 8 Deluxe drops on Friday, a Joy-Con Wheel accessory will also be available. Take a look at a few photos below.


Nintendo just launched a new section of the Splatoon 2 website. It now houses the “Squid Sisters Stories”, which intends to inform fans as to what happened between Callie and Marie following the final Splatfest.

Thus far we have the intro and prologue, posted below. More stories should be added to the site leading up to Splatoon 2’s launch. We’ll bring you those as they go live.

One of our researchers monitoring the Squid Sisters intercepted this top-secret report from the Inkling world.

Let’s see now… What? Just what in the world IS this?!

About nine months have passed since the final Splatfest.


Pokemon GO’s Eggstravaganza was a busy time for players. During the special event, 87 million Eggs were hatched, Niantic announced today.

The Pokemon GO Eggstravaganza took place between April 13 and April 20. It offered a greater variety of Pokemon in 2 km Eggs, more Candy for every Egg hatched, and double XP.


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Mario Kart 8 had a slight frame rate bug on Wii U. It mostly ran at 60 FPS, but an unknown issue caused it to dip to 59 FPS during single frames. Many players were likely unaware of it, though some felt it was an issue nonetheless.

For Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Nintendo addressed the situation entirely, and the racer is now at a silky smooth 60 frames per second. GameXplain takes a closer look below.

A notable update for Super Mario Run is now live. Players on iOS and Android can download version 2.1.0.

In today’s update, Nintendo has added new buildings such as the 8-bit Bowser Statue. Game Center / Google Play achievements are in as well. Other additions include the ability to show your customized Mii character from Miitomo and finding friends with a Nintendo Account.

The full patch notes are as follows:

During an official stream earlier today, new direct-feed footage was shown of Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition. The full recording is below.

A new video has appeared containing 34 minutes of footage from the recently-announced Switch game Battle Chasers: Nightwar. View the gameplay below.

Puyo Puyo Tetris’ western launch is nearly here, as SEGA is readying the game for tomorrow. Get a look at an hour of footage below.

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap

Lizardcube and DotEmu held a joint Reddit AMA session today. Representatives of both companies touched on various topics, including developing for Switch, DLC, 3DS, and more.

We’ve collected the noteworthy comments from the Reddit AMA below. You can read the full thing here.

Cube Creator DX is only a 3DS title for now. Arc System Works will be bringing the title to Japan at the end of this week.

Even though Cube Creator DX has only been made for 3DS, a Switch version could be in the cards. Kodomo Shimbun caught up with director Mr. Shoji, who indicated that it’s under consideration. It’s far from an announcement of course, but with Arc System Works already supporting Nintendo’s new platform, it’d hardly be a shock if it were to happen.


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