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Wii U eShop

Two new Virtual Console games are on track for the Japanese Wii U eShop next week. Romancing SaGa (Famicom) and Super Dodge Ball (Super Famicom) will be out on December 18. Pricing is set at 800 yen and 500 yen respectively.


One new game has been confirmed for the Japanese 3DS Virtual Console. Final Fantasy (Famicom) will be out on December 18. Pricing is set at 500 yen.


SEGA has prepared a new update for Sonic Lost World on Wii U. The full patch notes can be found below.

Gameplay Updates:

• Collecting 100 rings will now grant the player an extra life.
• In the event of a Game Over, we have doubled the amount of lives the player will begin with when continuing. (From 5  to 10)
• The Indigo Asteroid, Crimson Eagle, Orange Rocket, and Black Bomb Color Powers can now be controlled using the analog stick and buttons.
• Fixed a rare graphical issue that would sometimes appear during the pinball section of the Frozen Factory casino area.

Additional Updates:

• When completing the NiGHTMARE DLC, users will be notified that they can re-play it after scoring 100,000 points.
• Items will now appear on the world map.


Marvelous AQL has shared more Harvest Moon: Connect to a New Land screenshots and details introducing several new characters. A roundup of the latest content can be found below.


– Antique shop keeper
– Can marry him
– May look young, but has the mind and demeanor of an adult
– Treats any lady with full respect
– Being around and with him will make anyone feel refreshed
– Can buy furniture and accessories (like paintings) from him


– Mistel’s older sister
– Novelist
– Has an abundance of information and extensive knowledge
– Like her brother, she’s filled with a natural tendency to kindness and a refreshing nature and is very caring
– Can sometimes get very involved with her writing, spending all day sitting at her desk
– Otherwise, you’ll find her leisurely strolling around town and enjoying the sights
– Iris is another marriage candidate


– Innkeeper
– Runs the only inn in town
– Very generous, sometimes letting people stay for free if they’re broke
– Lily’s father (weathergirl)
– Also the father of daughter Melti


– Lovable child with girlish charms whose head is still stuck in the clouds
– Thinks her prince will arrive and take her away to love forever
– Whenever there’s a cute boy around, she’ll try to appeal to them
– Always gives love advice to her elder sister Lily


– General store owner
– Wanders at his own pace in his old age, sometimes secluding himself in his house to read a book
– On holidays and rest days, he’ll be in his garden doing some gardening as one of his hobbies
– Has been getting more forgetful lately


Update: Shortly after we posted the trailer below, Dex reached its Wii U stretch goal on Kickstarter. Expect this one on the eShop in the future!

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Bravely Default contains a secret movie for Bravely Second, which can be viewed after the end credits. New character Magnolia – the star of Bravely Second – is highlighted in the video.



A small update has landed on the Wii U and PC versions of Miiverse. Going forward, the “Report Spoilers” function can be found within the “Report Violation” feature. To report a spoiler, users will need to select the “Report Violation” icon, and then choose “Spoiler” from the drop-down menu.

The official notice on Miiverse reads:

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New Bravely Second details

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

n this week’s issue of Famitsu, Bravely Second producer Tomoya Asano and character designer Akihiko Yoshida shared more details about the newly announced 3DS sequel. A roundup of information shared by the two can be found below.

– Magnolia is the game’s main protagonist
– Her role is similar to Agnes in Bravely Default
– Will travel with her at some point in time
– Character has been designed to look more adult than Agnes
– She and the other characters have slightly more realistic proportions
– Ringabel’s role in Bravely Second is currently unknown
– Bravely Second’s plot involves a “Demon King” and the moon
– These two elements are new additions related to the story
– Magnolia is a self-professed Demon King killer from the moon
– Her world will be one of the places in the game that you’ll get to explore
– A hint regarding these two plot points is hidden in the secret movie found in Bravely Default: For the Sequel
– Bravely Second’s fields are larger than those of Bravely Default
– Game’s “density” has increased as well
– Will adopt systems introduced in For the Sequel
– The tam may still make changes will in accordance with user feedback from that game
– 30% complete


Lobodestroyo reached its $35,000 target goal on Kickstarter during the campaign’s final hours earlier today. As a result, the game will be making its way to Wii U sometime in the future. With the small amount of 3D platformers we see these days, Lobodestroyo will be a welcome addition to the eShop!


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