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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is three months away, so we’re definitely feeling the hype. Monolith Soft has said that this new game can be played if you haven’t gone through the first two, but those that really want the most out of it will want to see what the previous outings have to offer – especially from a story perspective.

Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2 are both special in their own right, but some fans have a clear preference for one over the other. With that in mind, we want to hear from you about which one you like more (we haven’t forgotten about Xenoblade Chronicles X, but obviously 1 and 2 are more similar to each other). How do you feel they compare from the perspective of the gameplay, world, story, characters, and music? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land finally provided something that a lot of fans had been asking for: the first true 3D entry in the series. Fans have argued that this is finally the shot in the arm that the franchise needed to gain more popularity and acclaim.

Kirby has been going strong for three decades. We’ve seen a lot of classic platformers, but also some pretty neat spinoffs with titles such as Kirby Air Ride, Kirby Canvas Curse, Kirby Mass Attack, and much more. The future of the series is looking bright after Kirby and the Forgotten Land, though we now want to hear from you about what you want to see next from the series. Share your ideas with us in the comments below.

The Expansion Pass tier for Nintendo Switch Online kicked off a few months ago, and we’ve seen a number of classic N64 games added to the service since then. Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, and Banjo-Kazooie are among the included titles. Mario Golf is also following next week.

Nintendo should continue adding more N64 titles to Switch Online throughout 2022. With that said, what would you like to see on there? Let us know in the comments below.

A new month started up yesterday. Now that we’re in April, we want to know what you’ve been playing.

Are you making your way through Kirby and the Forgotten Land? Playing the new tracks from the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass? No matter the case, let us know in the comments below.

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This week, Nintendo dropped a new Switch firmware update with significant functionality. Version 14.0.0 has introduced something called groups, which is a way for system owners to organize their games and other content on the home menu. It’s the closest thing we have to folders at the moment.

With groups, you can organize things in pretty much any way you’d like. Some are choosing to create them based on their favorite games, different games in a particular franchise, and more.

We’re curious to see how you’ve arranged your groups, so feel free to share screenshots below. You can also tell us about by writing a comment.

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It’s crazy to think that after five years, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has started to receive some major content. Nintendo kicked off the game’s brand new Booster Course Pass this week. Two cups – with four tracks each – were added a day or so go. The fun doesn’t stop there, as we’ll be getting seven more waves by the end of 2023. With 48 remastered tracks coming to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in total, needless to say there’s a lot to look forward to.

With the first wave of the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass DLC having been dropped, how many of you have given the new tracks a shot? What are your thoughts? Which courses do you personally want to see added in the future? Let us know in the comments below.

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Switch has its fair share of new games, but also quite a large selection of releases from prior generations. And five years in, things are still very strong on that front. This past week we saw the announcement of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection. In last month’s Nintendo Direct, it was revealed that Portal: Companion Collection is in the works. Nintendo has even dabbled with that idea having released Super Mario 3D All-Stars. Obviously that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Switch has shown that it still has a lot of life left, and that means collections will continue to be a mainstay. With that in mind, is there a dream collection you’d like to see? Let us know in the comments below.

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A new month started up earlier this week. Now that we’re in March, we want to know what you’ve been playing.

Have you started up Triangle Strategy? Are you still sinking your teeth into Pokemon Legends: Arceus? Or maybe you’re going through a different Switch release or something from your backlog. No matter the case, let us know in the comments below.

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Despite it being a weekend, a pretty big Nintendo-related presentation took place today. Pokemon Presents is something we’ve seen previously, but it made a return again for Pokemon Day.

It goes without saying that Pokemon Scarlet / Violet was the biggest announcement of the show, closing out the presentation. Gen 9 is here, and it’s bringing along an open-world with it. We also got a new update for Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Shaymin’s appearance in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Alola Pokemon for Pokemon GO, and more. You can catch up on all of the news here.

What are your thoughts on the Pokemon Presents video that aired earlier today? How do you feel about Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet thus far? Let us know in the comments below. 

One of the big pieces of Nintendo news this week concerns the eShop, as in one way, the digital store will be ending on both Wii U and 3DS. Starting in late March 2023, it will be closing down for business on these platforms. New purchases will no longer be possible.

Many Wii U and 3DS games have made their way over to Switch, but a ton have also stayed behind. That means a lot of hidden gems will be left behind without a way for new players to get their hands on them once March 2023 rolls by.

With that in mind, we want to hear about some of your top picks that you’d suggest Wii U and 3DS owners should pick up. Are there any particular games you feel flew under the radar? Let us know in the comments below.

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