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2DS sales have risen 64 percent week-on-week in the UK. The boost, in part, is due to a price cut initiated by retailers. Argos, Amazon and Tesco, and others have been offering the 2DS for just under £100. The 2DS alone was the best-selling console in the UK last week, and that’s without counting 3DS/3DS XL sales.


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Capcom has six different subsidiary offices scattered across North America and Europe. Soon, each will see a change in focus from distribution to marketing and operations. Analyst David Gibson relayed the news from Capcom on Twitter earlier today, writing:



Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

Kid Icarus: Uprising is now available to download via eShop in Japan. By the way, we gave a makeover to Pit’s pose when he’s shooting his bow and arrow so it looks sharper. Do note that all images are still in development. This and past pics may be different from the finished product. Thanks for understanding.

IronFall’s first trailer was originally intended to go live earlier this week, but it’s been pushed back slightly. We’re now told that the video will go live this weekend.

VD-Dev is “adding some features” it wants to show gamers. The studio has also confirmed that the video will feature real-time, direct footage from the 3DS.

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