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How’d you like to make your marriage a little more… video game-themed? If you’re interested in such an idea, perhaps you’ll want to look into a new set from Takayas Custom Jewelry.

Takayas Custom Jewelry has managed to come up with a special marriage wedding collection for The Legend of Zelda. The rings are comprised of white and yellow gold and diamonds along with triforce symbol embedded.

You can find more information on the official page here. Those who are interested in the wedding collection will need to contact Takayas Custom Jewelry.


Mappy will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Famicom download on August 28 for 500 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


Yet another piece of Shin Megami Tensei IV DLC has arrived in North America. Starting today, players can pick up “The Eternal Youth” DLC. Players will battle Sanat Kumara in the download. Pricing is set at $2.49.


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle (PS3) – 10/10/10/10
The Wonderful 101 (Wii U) – 10/10/9/10
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace (PSV) – 9/9/8/9
Lost Planet 3 (PS3/360) – 9/8/7/9
Seitokai No Ichizon Lv.2 Portable (PSP) – 8/8/7/6
Hotchkiss (PSV) – 7/7/6/5
Saki Achiga-Hen: Episode of side-A Portable (PSP) – 7/7/5/5

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