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Putt-Putt Travels Through Time Freddi Fish 3

A pair of classic point-and-click adventure games will soon be appearing on Switch, as eShop listings have revealed that Putt-Putt Travels Through Time and Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell are inbound for the console. They were made by Humongous Entertainment in the late ’90s, though UFO Interactive is handling these titles for Nintendo’s system.

Below are overviews and trailers for both games:

Justice Chronicles gameplay

Some early gameplay has emerged for Justice Chronicles, the latest RPG from Kemco. 47 minutes of footage is now live.

For more on Justice Chronicles, read the following overview:

Shin Megami Tensei V soundtrack

Original (12/24): Atlus will release the original soundtrack for Shin Megami Tensei V in Japan, the company announced today.

117 tracks will be included, spread out across five CDs. The package also comes with a booklet with commentary on each piece of music.

Here’s the full listing for the Shin Megami Tensei V soundtrack (some titles may contain spoilers):

Pawn of the Dead gameplay

Ahead of its launch on Switch later this week, Pawn of the Dead – a 3D game based on chess – has received new gameplay. Today’s video shows off 19 minutes of footage.

Here’s some information about the title:

The latest news for Fire Emblem Heroes has arrived. Check out what’s happening here:

  • I’m here to deliver the latest info…stealthily, of course! According to my sources, new Special Heroes dressed in kimonos to celebrate the new year will soon appear! I’m so curious to see who they are! There’s also a Log-In Bonus to celebrate their arrival.
  • It’s time to take down colorless-type enemies! Complete these fourteen Colorless Hostiles quests for rewards such as Orbs, Crystals, and Dueling Crests!
  • Heroes with Duel skills are featured as part of a 5-Star summoning focus! Heroes with Duel skills will cause higher-scoring opponents to appear in modes like Arena, even if their stats are low. Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!

A new update has arrived for Dragalia Lost to address some minor issues. You can check out the full patch notes after the break:

Check out the latest events in Dragalia Lost:

  • The Kaleidoscape, a solo-play-exclusive experience that challenges you to brave the depths of a labyrinth with an ever-changing layout, became available on Dec. 26, 10 PM PT.
  • Dragalia Lost version 2.15.1, which addresses some ongoing issues, is now available.
  • An increased-drops event for Void Battles quests started Dec. 26, 10 PM PT. Drops for eligible quests are tripled on a rotating daily basis!
  • Half-stamina, half-getherwing, and co-op double-drops events for Advanced Dragon Trials and The Agito Uprising started on Dec. 26, 10 PM PT.
  • Events including a special adventurer upgrade event for every element and double drops for Elemental Ruins, Dragon Trials, and The Imperial Onslaught started on Dec. 26, 10 PM PT.

Bayonetta 3

It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart. This week, Bayonetta 3 is still the top Switch game.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between December 9 and December 15.

Dragon Quest X Offline delayed

Today, Square Enix has announced that it has delayed the launch of Dragon Quest X Offline in Japan. Originally scheduled for February 26, 2022 in Japan, the RPG has now moved to the summer. A specific date beyond that was not confirmed.

Producer Takuma Shiraishi issued a statement about the situation, explaining that Square Enix is looking to deliver the highest quality experience. The team will be using the extra time for polish. Shiraishi also apologized to those that have been looking forward to the game.

A number of new deals are up and running on the North American Switch eShop. These include Atelier Sophie, Attack on Titan 2, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Golf Story, Hot Wheels Unleashed, Wandersong, and more.

Here are the full highlights:


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