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A new update has just been made available in the Switch version of Garden Story known as Winter Glade. It features a new area with additional enemies, new abilities, and more.

Here’s a trailer showing off what’s new in today’s Winter Glade Garden Story update:

2021 Indie World Holiday Sale

In partnership with various developers, Nintendo has kicked off a big 2021 Indie World Holiday Sale on the Switch eShop featuring games such as Among Us, A Short Hike, Hades, Oxenfree, Risk of Rain 2, Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, Streets of Rage 4, Subnautica + Subnautica: Below Zero, and much more. Fans can ultimately save up to 75 percent.

The full lineup of titles in the 2021 Indie World Holiday Sale is as follows:


Yomawari 3 details

After it was announced last week, Nippon Ichi Software has shared the first details and screenshots for Yomawari 3. We have information about what to expect from gameplay and more.

Here’s the full rundown, courtesy of Gematsu:

Pokemon Evolutions episode 8

Episode 8 for Pokemon Evolutions, which happens to be the final part of the anime mini series, is now available. This one is titled “The Discovery”.

We’re going back to the region that started it all as today’s episode is all about Kanto. As teased in the official description: “Did you hear the rumor? What might be the most powerful Pokémon ever has been discovered in Kanto! Green has begun her search for this elusive Pokemon… but she’s not the only one racing to catch it! Join the quest in the thrilling finale of Pokémon Evolutions!”

You can get a look at Pokemon Evolutions episode 8 below.

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Twelve Minutes

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

It’s time for the latest North American Nintendo Download report for the week of December 23, 2021. The latest releases include Lacuna and more.

Here’s the full lineup:

switch oled screen size

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Famitsu are as follows:

Studio HG has rolled out a new update for Metallic Child, offering some new festive content, bug fixes, and balance changes. Here are the full patch notes:

The Pokemon Company has announced that in celebration of last month’s release of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, an orchestra will be playing an arrangement of the games’ original soundtrack.

You can watch the performance as it goes live on Youtube with the video below.

Intelligent Systems are rolling out several new pieces of content for Fire Emblem Heroes. Here’s what’s new:

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