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Spirit Orbs are among the most valuable items in The legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. You can use them to increase the amount of hearts you have or raise your total stamina. There are around 120 Spirit Orbs in Breath of the Wild, but that number can now be increased with a new glitch.

You may recall something we posted about for Breath of the Wild known as the Memory Storage glitch. That same method is used again here. You’ll need to watch a memory right after loading the game, kill Link to set up a ‘no death’ run on a new file with glitchy effects, put the Travel Medallion near Eventide Island, enter any shrine you haven’t beaten, claim the Spirit Orb and then quit the game, reload your save file, start the Eventide Island quest, and immediately give up.

Here’s a look at all of the steps in video form:

Mages and Team GrisGris have shown off the new Switch version of Corpse Party: Blood Covered …Repeated Fear for Switch with a gameplay video for Chapter 1: Prologue. Get a look at the footage below.

Corpse Party: Blood Covered …Repeated Fear will be released for Switch in Japan on February 28. There’s no word on a western release at this time.

Takaya Imamura spent 32 years at Nintendo. Imamura ended up working on some of the company’s biggest games and franchises, including Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Smash Bros., Star Fox, and F-Zero. One of his noteworthy contributions was designing Tingle, who would go on to star in a couple of his own games after being an NPC in Majora’s Mask.

Imamura shared a selfie taken outside Nintendo’s Kyoto headquarters and wrote on his Facebook page:

Loot Hero DX

Loot Hero DX, a retro-inspired RPG, lands on the Switch eShop later this week. View some early footage in the video below.

Expect to see Loot Hero DX on January 21. For more information and a trailer, head on over here.

Qubic Games have announced that Timothy and the Mysterious Forest will be arriving on Switch in North America and Europe on January 22.

The 8-bit action game developed by Kibou Entertainment was announced several months ago but no release date was confirmed. You can check out our initial coverage here.


Hamster is bringing Arcade Archives Quarth to Switch this week, the company announced today. A worldwide release is planned for January 21.

Here’s an overview of the game.

Nintendo has detailed the latest Super Mario Bros. 35 Special Battle event that is currently available. Lasting until January 26, this event, Return to Bowser’s Castle Battle,  focuses on Castle themed courses, featuring stages 1-1, 1-4, 2-1, 2-4, 3-1, 3-4, 4-1, 5-1, 5-4, 6-4, and 8-1.

Any Bowser defeated in this Special Battle will count towards the World Count Challenge.


Here’s the latest in news for Fire Emblem Heroes:

  • Heroes with Combat Boosts are featured as part of a 5-Star summoning focus! Heroes with Combat Boosts increase their stats during combat when they initiate it. Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!
  • Coliseum & Ordeals Quests are here. Clear conditions to earn rewards such as Orbs and Hero Feathers!

Arriving some time this year in 2021, Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi: Jinchuu Houkoku no Shi will be making its way to Nintendo Switch. With Japanese audio only, the game will also include English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese text. While a physical edition will be out in Japan, players around the world will be able to get their hands on it via the Switch eShop. This release is an enhanced port of the original title for PlayStation 2, which released back in 2004, then again in 2008 on the Nintendo DS. Players will be able to enjoy new features, like high-resolution support, and system improvements for starters.


Summer Pockets will soon be seeing an upgrade this summer in Japan, bringing with it new content and updated systems. Players can enjoy additional routes for Umi Katou, Miki Nomura, and Shizuku Mizuori — as well as an all-new heroine Shiki Kamiyama. Players can also look forward to more everyday life scenes, and even more content with the upgrade. Per Famitsu, the physical edition will run 8,000 yen, while the upgrade itself via the Switch eShop will be 3,000 yen.


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