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Another video service is biting the dust on Wii U. In an email sent to customers today, users are informed that support is ending on September 26. As a bit of compensation, Amazon is handing out $25 credit towards a Fire TV device.

Here’s the full message from Amazon:


As mentioned earlier today, Disney Tsum Tsum Festival is due out in Japan on October 10. Alongside the game’s launch, a special Switch bundle will be offered.

The package includes a Switch system in addition to a copy of Disney Tsum Tsum Festival plus a code for DLC costumes in the actual game. Both the dock and Joy-Con have been specially-made (the home button is even stylized after Mickey Mouse), and the Switch itself will have a design on the back. Note that this will be the updated model with the longer battery life.


Astral Chain

Nintendo just released a new, 9-minute trailer for Astral Chain on its Japanese YouTube channel. Have a look at the video below.

This week’s Famitsu scans are now available. Highlights include Super Robot Wars V, Ninja Box, and Omega Labyrinth Life (which is NSFW – you’ve been warned). Scans of all games can be found below.


Raw Fury has shared a new trailer for the Bad North: Jotunn Edition update, which is coming soon to Switch. View it below.

Dragalia Lost has done fairly well for itself despite a couple of hurdles. For one thing, it continues to generate revenue even though it is still only available in just eleven markets. The game is also a totally original IP.

Since launch, Dragalia Lost has earned over $100 million worldwide. It has now overtaken Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp as Nintendo’s second highest earning mobile title. Fire Emblem Heroes is still well ahead of the pack at nearly $600 million.

Nintendo has shared anew Dragon Quest Builders 2 video with producers Noriyoshi Fujimoto and Takuma Shiraishi. Below, the two developers touch on three things you might not have known.

On Friday, Ratalakia Games will be publishing Hoggy 2 on the Switch eShop. Get a look at some footage in the video below.

Yesterday we heard that Nintendo would start to offer free repairs for faulty Joy-Con. This all came about after numerous complaints regarding drifting controllers, in which they would sent input to the console on their own. A lawsuit was also filed. Unfortunately, the free Joy-Con replacement policy doesn’t appear to be in effect worldwide – at least not yet.

The first example of this is in France. Numerama attempted to reach out to Nintendo’s customer service, and they denied having adopted a free Joy-Con replacement policy. French support claims it will still cost a customer €45 to replace a controller out of warranty.


Fobia footage

Posted on 5 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments

Fobia launches on Switch in Europe tomorrow, followed by North America on August 1. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

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