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Two events are up and running in Fire Emblem Heroes.

First, Special Heroes Revival: Summer’s Arrival is here. Players can pick up the Heroes pictured above as part of a 5-star summoning focus. It’ll be live until July 23.

Also live is Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 3. 5-star Heroes who appeared before the start of Book II are back as Focus Heroes. The event lasts until June 30.

CatfishBlues Games has dated the intense arcade action game Hyperlight Ultimate for Switch. It’ll be out in North America on July 9, followed by Europe on July 18.

We have the following overview of the title:

The maze-based arcade game Scrap Rush!! was added to the Switch eShop this past Thursday. Have a look at some footage in the video below.

This coming Thursday, the puzzle game Rain City will be available on the Switch eShop. Take a look at some footage below.

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo has updated its maintenance schedule for the coming week. Only one session is planned at the moment, which will be taking place later tonight.

Here’s the full maintenance schedule:

NIS America announced Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories for North America and Europe this week. As is tradition for the company, a limited edition will be offered.

The package includes:

Nintendo has passed along a trio of updated fact sheets for upcoming Switch games. Learn more about Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Dragon Quest XI S, and Zelda: Link’s Awakening below.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons launches for Switch on March 20, 2020. Dragon Quest XI S and Zelda: Link’s Awakening will be out this year on September 27 and September 20 respectively.

Retailers have added in listings for Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, the next platformer from Playtonic. These pages also have the boxart included, which we’ve attached above.

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair is up for pre-order on Amazon here. GameStop also has the title available here.

Modus Games has posted a gameplay walkthrough for Trine 4’s E3 2019 demo with Frozenbyte that offers a closer look at the title. Check out the video below.

All sorts of developers have stepped in over the past couple of years to port games to Switch. One such company is Engine Software. The team has helped bring several titles to Nintendo’s console, including The Caligula Effect: Overdose, Into the Breach, and Little Nightmares.

Next up from Engine Software is Ni no Kuni. It’s been confirmed that the studio is specifically behind that version of the game. On its website, Engine Software states that it is “proud to announce we are working with Bandai-Namco and Level-5 to bring their classic tale: Ni no Kuni – Wrath of the White Witch to the Nintendo Switch.”

Ni no Kuni will be available for Switch on September 20.


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