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D3Publisher and WayForward have released a new patch for Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW! on 3DS. A notice on the eShop states that the update improves stability and implements fixes.


Wii U eShop

Two new Virtual Console games are on track for the Japanese Wii U eShop next week. Romancing Saga 2 (Super Famicom) and Double Dragon (Famicom) will be out on January 22. Pricing is set at 800 yen and 500 yen respectively.


splinter cell blacklist

Splinter Cell is a series that has had its ups and downs, with the latter coming primarily more recently for the franchise. Splinter Cell: Blacklist wasn’t the most well-received game in the world and it didn’t meet sales expectations, so Ubisoft might be thinking a bit about where to go with the games going forward:

“[With Splinter Cell,] we haven’t got the luxury of Assassin’s Creed where we know our formula; we’re still evolving. If you look at them, there’s no two Splinter Cells that are the same. They’ve all evolved and adapted. That, to me, is what makes it really exciting. We’re getting closer to what that game is, and maybe it isn’t necessarily about Splinter Cell being a 15-16 million Call of Duty-type best-seller. Maybe it’s just about it being the best Splinter Cell that it can be.”

– Splinter Cell animation director Kristjan Zadziuk


Popular games retailer GameStop says that this past 2013 holiday season at their stores was notably better than 2012’s holiday season, with a 9.3% overall increase in revenue. Here are the full details:

– 9.3% increase in revenue overall
– Hardware revenue doubled
– Pre-owned game sales up 7%
– Digital revenue up 14.9%
– Mobile sales increased by 23.8%

Via GamesIndustry


Puyo Puyo Tetris will support cross online play, the latest issue of Famitsu confirms. Players on Wii U will be able to play 3DS owners and vise versa. Famitsu also reveals that Puyo Puyo Tetris contains a replay saving feature and a Lesson Mode.

Source, Via

A batch of new downloadable rewards were added to Club Nintendo earlier today. In addition, Nintendo has brought back the 3DS Game Card Case – now as special sets.

Club Nintendo members can order a case based on The Legend of Zelda or Animal Crossing. Each costs 400 coins.

You can check out the official product page here.

Atlus has sent out new details covering the heroines of Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars. Overviews of each character can be found below, and their transformations are showcased above.

Renegade Kid’s upcoming first-person shooter announcement might just be “Moon Chronicles”. Last Thursday, the studio filed a trademark for the name in the US and it was entered in the Trademark Reporting and Monitoring System (TRAM) yesterday.

Interestingly enough, Renegade Kid regained the publishing rights to Moon today. That’s probably not a coincidence!

Now the question is whether Moon Chronicles is an updated version of the DS original or a true follow up…


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