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This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
2. 3D Sonic the Hedgehog
3. Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
4. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. Metroid
7. Pokemon Dream Radar
8. Super Mario Bros.
9. Zelda: Oracle of Ages
10. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
11. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
12. Mario’s Picross
13. Gunman Clive
14. Dillon’s Rolling Western
15. The Legend of Zelda
16. Pokemon Y
17. Pokemon X
18. SteamWorld Dig
19. Donkey kong
20. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D


1. Pokemon – S15 Ep1
2. National StreetPass Weekend
3. 3D Sonic the Hedgehog Trailer
4. Mario Party: Island Tour Launch Trailer
5. Super Mario 3D World Trailer 3
6. Mario Party: Island Tour Trailer
7. Pokemon – S15 Ep17
8. Kirby 3DS Teaser Trailer
9. Pokemon – S15 Ep14
10. National StreetPass Weekend Diner
11. Sonic Lost World Launch Trailer
12. Pokemon – S15 Ep2
13. Pokemon – S15 Ep10
14. Pokemon – S15 Ep15
15. Pokemon – S15 Ep12
16. Bravely Default – Adventure Trailer
17. Developer Direct @ E3 2013 – Super Smash Bros.
18. Pokemon – S15 Ep3
19. StreetPass Relay Point Trailer
20. 3D Altered Beast Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop

This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:

Wii U

Pokemon – S15 Ep 16-20
Donkey Kong 3 Trailer
RUSH Trailer
Double Dragon Trailer
Wii Fit U – Fitness that Fits


Pokemon – S15 Ep 16-20
Boulder Dash-XL 3D Trailer
Donkey Kong 3 Trailer
Wii Fit U – Fitness that Fits
Orion’s Odyssey Trailer

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

Nintendo put this Wii Fit U promotion video up on the eShop recently. It’s… interesting.


This week’s Wii U eShop charts are as follows:


1. Zelda: Wind Waker HD
2. Super Mario 3D World
3. Super Mario World
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. Mega Man X
6. EarthBound
7. The Legend of Zelda
9. Art Academy: SketchPad
10. RUSH
11. Contra III: The Alien Wars
12. The Legend of The Mystical Ninja
13. Super Metroid
14. Super Mario Bros. 2
15. Donkey Kong
16. Double Dragon
17. Super Castlevania IV
18. Donkey Kong 3
19. Pokemon Rumble U
20. Donkey Kong Jr.


1. Super Mario 3D World Trailer
2. Super Mario 3D World Accolades Trailer
3. Super Mario 3D World Trailer 2
4. Zelda: Wind Waker HD 6/11/13
5. Pikmin 3 – White Pikmin Video
6. Pikmin 3 – Purple Pikmin Video
7. Adventure Time Explore the Dungeon Trailer
8. Pokemon – S15 Ep 1
9. The Legend of The Mystical Ninja Trailer
10. Pikmin 3 – New Mission Stages in New Environments
11. Wii Sports Club Trailer
12. RUSH Trailer
13. Pokemon Rumble U Gameplay Trailer
14. Sonic Lost World Launch Trailer
15. New Super Mario Bros. U Video
16. Sonic Lost World Trailer
17. Rayman Legends Accolades Trailer
18. New Super Luigi U Trailer 6/11/13
19. Contra III: The Alien Wars Trailer
20. Super Mario World Trailer

Source: Wii U eShop

For a while there we weren’t sure if Nintendo was going to add Miiverse communities for older 3DS titles, but today it looks like they are: A soft update for the online community added communities for the following games:

Ocarina of Time 3D, Star Fox 64 3D, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Mario Tennis Open, and a whole bunch more. Check out the full list here if you have a Nintendo Network ID.

Via Siliconera


Ubisoft has once again discussed the decision to delay Watch Dogs. The publisher’s North America president, Laurent Detoc, spoke about the move as part of an interview with IGN.

He said:

“It’s a very intense decision. I think one of the fascinating things about this industry is that you can go from genius to idiot in an extremely short time frame. These are some of those moments, where you’re riding sky high on Watch Dogs or Rayman, and then suddenly you have to break it to the outside world, and sometimes even convince the inside people. Not everybody agrees. You have to say, ‘this is in the best interest of the product, to do this,’ because at the end of the day we’re going to be able to do this extra fine tuning.”

“Some games, you just can’t make them that much better because of how they’ve been progressing. Part of the decision to delay Watch Dogs is also that,” he said. “We know it’s not where we want it to be. Can it get there? What will it take to get there? That’s why it takes a longer process. But in August we really thought we were going to have that game at launch.”

Watch Dogs was originally slated for a November launch. However, Ubisoft announced a new spring 2014 release window back in October.

Source, Via

Reports emerging from Japan reveal that Bravely Second will include some kind of magic academy. The prime minister of Lakrika ordered the academy to be built, which is said to be a full town or city. Its location is on the continent of Nadarakes.

Scholars and students from different regions visit the academy to explore and debate new magical theories… and learn a few things as well. The academy is also where new forms of systems and magic are being developed.


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