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3DS eShop

SEGA has no plans to bring SEGA 3D Reprints Archives to North America, as the company has stated on Twitter.

It appears us in North America won’t be able to get these classics in a physical form anytime soon. Keep in mind that you can still purchase some of these games on the eShop with digital downloads, and more are on the way in 2015.


This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Mario Kart 7
2. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
3. Yoshi’s New Island
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
5. Pokemon Omega Ruby
6. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
7. Shovel Knight
8. Mega Man II
9. Mega Man IV
10. Super Mario Bros.
11. Mega Man III
12. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
13. SteamWorld Dig
14. Pokemon Trading Card Game
15. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
16. The Legend of Zelda
17. Fantasy Life
18. Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
19. Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters
20. Woah Dave!


1. Cube Creator 3D Trailer
2. Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire E3 2014 Trailer
3. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS One Dog, One Bird, One Zapper
4. The Cat Mario Show Episode 1
5. Mario Kart 7 Video
6. Best of 2014: Fan Faves
7. The Cat Mario Show Episode 2
8. Super Smash Bros. – Looks like we don’t have a choice!
9. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS: Future King
10. Sonic Boom Launch Trailer
11. Tomodachi Life Wish List Video
12. Pokemon Bank Trailer
13. Pokemon Trading Card Game Trailer
14. Captain Toad The Adventure Begins Trailer
15. Mario Party 10 E3 2014 Trailer
16. Xeodrifter Trailer
17. Mario Kart 8 – New Courses and Items Trailer
18. Urban Trial Freestyle Trailer
19. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze Launch Video
20. LEGO Batman 3 Launch Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop


Cube Creator 3D may not feature use of the Circle Pad Pro at launch. However, developer Big John Games has indicated that support will arrive through a future update.

The studio wrote on Twitter earlier this month:


Thanks to Jake for the tip.

This week’s Nintendo downloads are as follows:

Wii U
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (from January 2nd) – €39.99/£34.99

Wii U VC
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (GBA) – €6.99/£6.29
F-Zero GP Legend (GBA) – €6.99/£6.29

Wii U Special Offers
New Super Mario Bros. U & New Super Luigi U – €59.99/£49.99 (Ends January 8)*

*New Super Luigi U is a free download if you buy New Super Mario Bros. U off the eShop until January 8th

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – €29.99/£24.99 (Ends January 8)

Shovel Knight – €9.99/£8.66 (Ends January 8th)

3DS Themes
Pokémon: Slowpoke – €1.99/£1.79
NES Fire-Breathing Bowser – €1.99/£1.79

3DS Special Offers
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – €22.49/£19.99 (Ends January 8)

Shovel Knight (Yacht Club Games) – €9.99/£8.66 (Ends January 8)

Denpa Ningen no RPG Free continues to rake in downloads. The free-to-play title has now been downloaded by over 1.7 million 3DS owners in Japan.

Developer Geninus Sonority is promising further content additions for 2015. Specifics, however, have not been revealed.


It’s that time of year again! Last year’s game music podcast seemed to go over much better than I expected a two-hour show to, so let’s do the same thing for the soundtracks from this year. And once again I’m looking for reader (listener?) input to help put the thing together and narrow down a top 10 list.

The rules are pretty much the same as last year. Vote here to rate each of the twenty shortlisted games and add in any comments if you have them (you can also use that section to tell me if neglected to include certain soundtracks). Since some of them were included in last year’s show, the voting excludes games that were released in other regions last year like Bravely Default, but not ones like Fantasy Life that I previously forgot about. I’ve also excluded any games with an English release confirmed for next year like Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – save it for the 2015 list! There are a handful of games like Guacamelee on the list that were released on other platforms last year, but as 2014 was their first showing on a Nintendo platform they’re up for voting.

So please get your votes in and look forward to the final podcast whenever it posts. Maybe there’ll be guests or co-hosts this time? Who can say. Since I’ll be out of the country for a while – I’ll probably have left by the time this posts – don’t expect any results until mid-January at the earliest. That’s kind of late for a retrospective, but I’m sure you’re all sick of top-10 lists at the moment. I know I sure am after putting together all that Nintendo DS stuff.

Vote here for the best soundtracks of 2014!

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