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3DS eShop

We don’t know Pokemon Battle Trozei’s exact file size, but a download card from Japan gives an approximation. The 3DS eShop title will carry a maximum size of just 50MB. That’s pretty small!


VD-Dev has been keeping quiet about IronFall over the past few months, but that should be changing within a matter of weeks. The studio confirmed to us that a gameplay video will be released before April arrives.

VD-Dev also spoke with us about the extensive work it has been implementing in IronFall’s AI system. The team restarted its code from scratch because it wasn’t satisfied with the original version.

According to VD-Dev’s Fernando Velez, as a general rule, code is redone until they are completely satisfied “no matter how long it takes”. The second version of IronFall’s code should bring “AAA AI to the 3DS”.

Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune revealed a new title at Bitsummit conference for 3DS called “Azure Striker Gunvolt”. Inti Creates, developer of Mighty No. 9, is working on the project.

Azure Striker Gunvolt is coming to the eShop this summer in Japan. A North American release is also planned.


Cubit The Hardcore Platformer Robot will be released on the European 3DS eShop next week, CoderChild has confirmed. The studio announced on Twitter:

Cubit The Hardcore Platformer Robot landed in North America in December of last year and is available for purchase now.


A new rating for Pac-Land has appeared on the OFLC. The listing likely pertains to a future re-release on the Virtual Console. OFLC doesn’t specify any platform, so it could be for the Wii U, 3DS, or both systems.

Source, Via

AeternoBlade has received its first round of downloadable content. Players can purchase two items – a swimsuit costume priced at $0.99 as well as an Arena Mode for $1.99. More DLC should be coming to AeternoBlade in the future.


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