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Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai published a new column in this week’s issue of Famitsu. That was a bit of a surprise, as Sakurai only tends to write columns on a bi-weekly basis.

In any case, numerous topics about Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS were once again discussed. Sakurai commented on why the 3DS version launched before the Wii U game as well as changes in Final Smashes. He also shared a tidbit about one of the unlockable stages in the 3DS version.

Head past the break for the full Q&A.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate sold nearly 1.5 million copies during its Japanese launch. Media Create reports that 85.40 percent of copies were sold.

How does that stack up to the original Monster Hunter 4? That title sold 1,715,060 copies with a 91.96 percent sell-through rate. 4 Ultimate managed to sell roughly 80 percent of what its predecessor did at launch.

Media Create believes that Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate won’t sell two million copies at retail until its third week or later. Meanwhile, the first Monster Hunter 4 reached 2,188,799 copies sold after two weeks.


Marvelous published a new interview with Senran Kagura producer Kenichiro Takaki on its website. All of his responses can be found above.

If you don’t want to sit through the whole video, you can check out these interesting excerpts:

Two new 3DS themes will be given as pre-order bonuses for the upcoming title Final Fantasy Explorers.

The new themes are being offered for the Ultimate Box Edition, one from Square Enix estore, the other from Amazon Jp.

Final Fantasy Explorers is set to release in Japan on December 18.

Source, Via

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