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Nintendo uploaded a new 5-minute trailer for Mario Party: Star Rush on its Japanese YouTube channel. We’ve posted it below.

And here are a couple of commercials:

Several new 3DS themes are out now in Japan. Here’s the lineup:

Mario Halloween – 200 yen
Haikyuu!!: Karasuno High vs. Shiratorizawa Academy – 200 yen
The Dog (x2) – 200 yen each
Mashiro Ayano: Lotus Pain – 200 yen
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 (x2) – 200 yen each

Here’s a look at the new Mario theme:


It was due to Natsume’s relationship with Arc System Works that River City: Tokyo Rumble was able to head west. That game originally came to Japan a few years ago, but Natsume was finally able to publish it in English at the end of last month.

Speaking about the partnership with Arc System Works and how River City: Tokyo Rumble came to be overseas, Natsu,e producer Taka Maekawa told Siliconera:

“Our partnership with Arc System Works started almost a year and a half ago through a good friend of mine in Japan. It all started with Gotcha Racing and Brave Tank Hero for the Nintendo 3DS, then continued with Super Strike Beach Volleyball and River City: Tokyo Rumble this year. With River City, I contacted Arc System Works as soon as I saw the news that Million’s title rights (who were the right holders of Tecnos Japan titles) had been transferred to Arc System Works.”

Siliconera also asked if Natsume would be open to localizing more River City games, such as the medieval spinoff for 3DS and River City Ransom SP. To this, Maekawa said:

“Of course! We are definitely open for any opportunities with other titles in the Kunio series!”


Over on the Play Nintendo YouTube page, a new North American trailer has gone up for Disney Magical World 2. Watch the brief video below.

Earlier today, the Pokemon Sun/Moon Special Demo Version was finally confirmed. According to a notice on the Japanese Pokemon website, it will take up roughly 400MB / 3,100 blocks. The Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire demo was 250MB / 2,000 blocks in comparison.

The Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Special Demo Version launches on October 18. It’ll allow you to meet some of the new Pokemon, and Ash-Greninja can be transferred to the full game.


It’s a little on the late side, but Nintendo put out a new overview trailer for Yo-kai Watch 2 a few moments ago. The game launched in North America on Friday, though if you need another look, watch the video below.

Two new themes based on Ashley from WarioWare and Shantae were recently released. You can get a closer look at both below.


Over on the Spanish Pokemon Sun/Moon website, a screenshot has been discovered showing a new Ice Stone. It’s currently unclear what it’ll be used for. One probable guess is that it can be used to evolve Alolan Vulpix to evolve into Alolan Ninetails. GameXplain also speculates that it could be a replacement for the Ice Rock needed to obtain Glaceon.

Source, Via

Natsume recently published River City: Tokyo Rumble, the localized version of Arc System Works’ Japanese 3DS release. TinyCartridge spoke with US producer Taka Maekawa about the western edition.

Regarding Natsume’s approach to localization, Maekawa explained:

“A lot of factors went into how we approached the localization. Times have changed – in the 1980s, games were still being strictly Americanized when brought over to a Western audience. So when the NES game came out, the idea of putting Kunio and Riki into t-shirts and jeans and giving them English names (Alex and Ryan) made a lot of sense.”

“We approached most things situationally; did it make sense to retain the original translation, or go in a new direction? For example, the game heavily relies on its environment (Tokyo) to set the story’s theme and tone, and we wanted to retain that theme. So we decided to maintain Japanese names whenever it made sense to do so – being set in Tokyo, with many of the characters wearing their school uniforms, Japanese character names and locations made the most sense.”

Natsume kept the “River City” name in place to tie it into the American version of the series. However, the game’s primary action is in Tokyo, which is where the “Tokyo Rumble” subtitle comes in. The team explored other potential subtitles such as Bad Blood, Tokyo Brawl, Street Gangs, The Lion Alliance, along with “a few other combinations of word soup before we hit upon Tokyo Rumble and it stuck.”


One aspect of today’s Pokemon Sun/Moon coverage that isn’t receiving a whole lot of attention pertains to the Pokemon Global Link. There isn’t anything about this in the new trailer, but the official website has a page tucked away about the new version planned for launch on November 18.

Here’s everything you need to know:

A New Version of the Pokémon Global Link

The Pokémon Global Link, the website that links to Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, is due to be updated and reopened on Friday, November 18, in sync with the launch of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.

With the release of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, the Pokémon Global Link—the website that connects Pokémon players around the world—will end its current Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, and Pokémon Y service and will be updated to work with Pokémon Sun andPokémon Moon. New functions added in the update will let you enjoy Pokémon battles even more!

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