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Two more Game Boy Advance games have been rated by the OFLC: Super Mario Ball (otherwise known as Mario Pinball Land) and Pac-Man Collection. Both should eventually hit the Wii U as part of the GBA Virtual Console.


A pair of Game Boy Advance titles have popped up on the OFLC. The Australian ratings board has added in entries for Klonoa: Empire of Dreams as well as Mr. Driller 2. Given the two ratings, they’re likely for the Wii U Virtual Console.

April 3

– Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World
– Wario Ware Inc.
– Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
– Golden Sun
– F-Zero: Maximum Velocity
– Advance Wars 1 + 2

April 30

– Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
– The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
– Mario Tennis Advance
– Wario Land 4
– Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
– Metroid Fusion


In recent weeks, total 3DS hardware sales exceeded 15 million units in Japan. The system achieved this goal in its 154th week on the market, which is, interestingly enough, faster than the Game Boy Advance. GBA sold around 11.64 million units by its 154th week.

As for the DS, Nintendo’s older portable has the edge. DS moved around 20.16 million units by its 154th week.


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Natsume community manager “CeeCee” commented on the publisher’s plans for Virtual Console in the future.

As of late, Natsume has been receiving quite a few fan questions/requests to re-release Game Boy Advance and GameCube titles. Doing so, however, isn’t so simple.

CeeCee explained that when it comes to GBA, this is something the Virtual Console doesn’t support. But interestingly, Nintendo is apparently “working on this” and Natsume “look[s] forward to the day it’s possible.”

Regarding yesterday’s announcement of DS support on Wii U, CeeCee said, “it’s an exciting time, and we’ll be reviewing our DS catalogue for potential titles.”

Here’s an incredibly interesting bit of reading for you: A company called Danger, Inc. once took their prototype for a T-Mobile Sidekick (also known as the “hiptop”), merged it with a Game Boy Advance chipset, created an online “app store” of sorts to purchase digital Game Boy Advance game copies, and sent it off to Nintendo for them to take a look at. Nintendo’s response? Read it below, as it’s worth hearing it through the first-hand account:

Today, The Pokemon Company International released the soundtracks from the Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen games on iTunes. It features “beautifully adapted and orchestrated versions of the original in-game music, composed by Junichi Masuda, G? Ichinose and Morikazu Aoki.”

You can make a purchase through the following link here. Pricing is set at $11.99.

Next year, The Pokemon Company International will launch more soundtracks for older Pokemon titles, including:

Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver
Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire
Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl
Pokémon Black and Pokémon White
Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2

Source: The Pokemon Company International PR

As long as your device can’t transmit or receive wireless signals like texts or phone-calls, the FAA is soon to let you play with it during the takeoff and landing portions of any particular airplane flight. This means 3DS and Vita, phones and tablets (if ‘Airplane Mode’ is turned on), etc etc can all be used to calm your nerves or supplement the visceral experience of being forced into the air above earth at 400 miles an hour starting “soon”, according to the FAA.

Why the change of heart? It turns out that devices that aren’t transmitting or receiving things wirelessly can’t interfere with most planes’ computer systems.

Via ShackNews

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