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Pokemon has been around for awhile, and many fans have been playing the series for a long time now. Thankfully, seasoned veterans won’t be forced into experiencing the catching tutorial this time around.

Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield starts off with choosing your starter. After this, you need to talk to your mother who gives you some money and five Poke Balls. Venture out a bit and you’ll then be able to encounter and catch Pokemon.

The next step is meeting rival Hop as well as his brother Leon, the Galar Champion and the person who teaches you how to catch Pokemon. However, if you’ve already caught a Pokemon, Leon will instead comments about how you’ve already captured some before moving on to the next topic of conversation.


The latest issue of V-Jump confirms that Broly from Dragon Ball Super will be added to the game soon as a DLC character. A specific date was not yet announced, however.

Here’s some information on Broly’s moves, courtesy of Siliconera:

The dungeon-crawler and party game Munchkin: Quacked Quest is coming to Switch on November 19, Asmodee Digital announced today. The game will be available as an eShop download.

Here’s an overview of Munchkin: Quacked Quest, along with a trailer:

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

Ahead of its release next week, Skullgirls 2nd Encore has received a new Switch-specific trailer. Check out the video below.

With Pokemon Sword/Shield, players can finally explore an open world of sorts through the Wild Area. Just how big is that land? Sizable enough that it’s comparable to Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

In a preview today, Metro says that a Pokemon Company representative on hand for its play session estimated was about the size of two regions from Zelda: Breath of the Wild. As previously mentioned, you have full control of the camera, and can encounter a variety of Pokemon – some of which may be of much higher level than where you’re currently at.


Ahead of its release tomorrow, footage has emerged for A Hat in Time on Switch. Take a look at the gameplay video below.

Publisher QubicGames and developer Kayabros are bringing the narrative survival game Soul Searching to Switch next week, according to an eShop listing. Its digital release is set for October 25.

Here’s an overview of Soul Searching, along with a trailer:

Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are introducing the Wild Area. The free-roaming environment lets players explore 3D landscape with complete camera control. You’ll run into many kinds of Pokemon here, some of which could cause a whole lot of trouble.

Much like with Xenoblade, it will now be possible to run into “drastically overleveled” Pokemon, Eurogamer reports. That means you could be early on in the story, only to encounter a creature at level 50. This is the first time Pokemon has really explored such gameplay design.


New Stranger Sins DLC is coming to the cemetery management sim Graveyard Keeper on October 28, publisher tinyBuild and developer Lazy Bear Games have announced. It includes 4-8 hours of gameplay and lets players manage their own tavern.

Here’s an overview of Stranger Sins, along with a trailer:

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

AeternoBlade II – $29.99
A Hat in Time – $29.99 (available October 18)
Destiny Connect: Tick-Tock Travelers – $39.99 (available October 22)
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition – $49.99
Ice Age Scrat’s Nutty Adventure! – $39.99 (available October 18)
Mary Skelter 2 – $31.99 (available October 22)
Raging Loop – $29.99 (available October 22)
Ring Fit Adventure – $79.99 (available October 18)
Stranded Sails – Explorers of the Cursed Islands – $21.24
Street Outlaws: The List – $39.99 (available October 22)

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