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This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Yoshiwara Higanbana Kuon no Chigiri (PSV) – 10/8/8/8
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions (3DS) – 8/8/8/9
Lost Sphear (NSW / PS4) – 8/8/8/8

88 Heroes – 98 Heroes Edition will be on Switch later this month. For a look at the game, watch the video below.

88 Heroes – 98 Heroes Edition is 403MB on Switch.


The Fall Part 2: Unbound was originally scheduled for Q3 2017. But in an announcement today, developer Over The Moon announced a delay, moving the game to February 2018.

The newest entry in The Fall is actually done. However, the studio explained that “releasing it in October, November or December, among all the AAA titles, is commercial suicide.” The extra time will also be used “to further polish the game, with every platform getting a version of The Fall Part 2: Unbound that makes the most of its capabilities.”

Battle Chasers: Nightwar was delayed on Switch, with the developer indicating that Unity was one reason for that. Yooka-Laylee also hasn’t made it onto the console yet with the engine also cited. Playtonic is waiting on Unity 5.6 to help address some “technical hurdles”.

For its part, Unity says that over 30% of games for Switch are made with the tech. The company is also working with Nintendo to optimize Unity for the platform.


The next Gym Cup in Pokemon Duel has been announced. Although we don’t have a concrete date yet, we know that it’ll be a Poison Gym Cup, during which Psychic-type figures will be boosted. Also, an Alolan Raichu figure will be one of the rewards you’ll be able to get during the event.


Earlier today, there were some brief problems with Fire Emblem Heroes. The current Arena season rewards were not displayed properly and the Arena Assault mode was playable at all. These issues have now been fixed; furthermore, free orbs will be sent as an apology to all players at a later date.


The Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Twitter account gave us a quick look at Hana today. Hana is the main Blade of Tora, your Nopon party member. She is an artificial Blade and was actually built by Tora himself.


Another new summoning focus has graced Fire Emblem Heroes, this time it deals with heroes with the ability Threaten Spd. This focus includes: Takumi, Shanna and Jaffar. The focus will last until October 24th, so if you’re looking to get some Threaten Spd characters now is your chance. Also there will be two weeks of Arena Assault quests for players to take on starting today.

The official Japanese Kirby Twitter has uploaded an animation of Kirby: Battle Royale. It shows off the Kirby printer creating a couple of Kirby copies. Looks as though Kirby will be fighting to become the number one Kirby in the story mode. Check out the animation below.

This Pokemon Shuffle brings us a Tapu Fini stage that will cost 600 coins to play and last til October 17th. Totodile (Winking), Feraligatr, Zygarde 10% and Zygarde Complete Forme will also have stages available until October 17th as well.


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