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Play-Asia has opened pre-orders for the new Splatoon 2 soundtrack (Splatune 2), which was announced for Japan last week. It can be reserved right here. Orders are expected to ship on December 6.

Sonic Mania’s first patch should be arriving shortly. The series’ official Twitter account states that the update is rolling out now.

Here’s what you can expect from the patch:

When the update is officially live, we’ll let you know.


Bandai Namco remains invested in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. As we found out with the latest issue of V Jump, new DLC is in development. Bandai Namco has confirmed that the content is coming to the west this fall, and a free update is planned.

We do know that Dabura and Buu (Gohan Absorbed) are headlining the DLC as playable DLC. Zamasu will also be around to teach created characters his attacks as a master / mentor.

First screenshots of the DLC in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 are below.

Source: Bandai Namco PR

The English release of Layton’s Mystery Journey will be taking place on 3DS next month, and some footage has come in showing the game in action. View a few minutes of gameplay below.

According to its Twitter, Astro Bears Party will be launching on the Switch come September 28 at a price of $4.99. This news applies to both North America and Europe.

Astro Bears Party is a “competitive game featuring bears in space suits,” sure to turn some eyes in its direction.

Thumper has received its first discount on the Switch eShop. In both North America and Europe, the game can be purchased for 25 percent off. The sale lasts for one week only.


Sonic Forces

For the first time, Sonic fans will be able to create their own original character in Sonic Forces. Producer Shun Nakamura spoke about the feature in an interview with Polygon.

Nakamura indicated that customization won’t be “as in depth as Fallout or some of those other extremely complex creation mechanics.”

Nakamura explained:

The coveted Xenoblade Pro Controller for Switch is up on Best Buy’s website right now. You can pre-order it for $74.99.

The controller is being made to commemorate the release of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on December 1.

A link has been provided to the Best Buy page here.

Playtonic Games has added to their website an update post on the progress of Yooka-Laylee on the Switch. The indie developer has stated that it currently cannot commit to a release date due to some bugs in the current Unity engine. The arrival of Unity 5.6 should fix these issues, according to Playtonic.

The full statement is as follows:

Nintendo Switch

Online play of unspecified software will be disabled during a time of server maintenance tomorrow. Switch games may be impacted during the downtime.

Here’s the schedule:

– 5:50 PM PT (September 26) – 7:30 PM PT (September 26)
– 8:50 PM ET (September 26) – 10:30 PM ET (September 26)
– 1:50 AM in the UK (September 27) – 3:30 AM in the UK (September 27)
– 2:50 AM in Europe (September 27) – 4:30 AM in Europe (September 27)


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