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Pokemon Cafe Mix

An update has gone live for Pokemon Cafe Mix, bringing the version number to 1.80.0 — New content is now available as a result, including new orders and a new game mode. Check out the full patch notes after the break:

While some of our readers have seen the first snowfall already, Mario Kart Tour turns up the festivity with the Winter Tour. Check out the trailer below to see our favorite racers in their holiday attire. Would you trust a gift from Bowser? Let us know in the comments below what you’ll be hoping to get out of the newest Tour.



The current events in Dragalia Lost are full of various rewards. Be sure to login every week to take part in the Alberian Battle Royale. Take advantage of the current crossover event as well to earn exclusive items that are only available during the event. Check out the details below, as well as a screenshot listing for the event rewards.


  • This week’s Alberian Battle Royale started Dec. 1, 10 PM PT! This event will be held every week from 10 PM PT on Tues. to 9:59 PM PT on Thurs. Enjoy a 16-person battle and collect battle points to exchange for adventurer skins and items!
  • During the Princess Connect! Re: Dive – A Voracious Visitor raid event, you can log in or complete endeavors to earn rewards like exclusive stickers, the Princess Sword weapon skin, event-exclusive wyrmprints, and more!


Pokemon GO is officially introducing Pokemon originally found in Kalos today. The event, which starts today, features a number of Pokemon that will be appearing more frequently in the wild, including Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Litleo, and Noibat (and Klefki if you’re in France). You can also hatch several creatures from Eggs, including Bunnelby, Fletchling, Litleo, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Espurr, and Noibat.

In one-star raids, you can encounter Litleo and Espurr. And there’s also event-exclusive Field Research and Timed Research tasks that lead to encounters with Pokemon such as Bunnelby and Fletchling as well as reward Venusaur Mega Energy, Charizard Mega Energy, and Blastoise Mega Energy.

Below are the full event details:

Check out the latest events in Fire Emblem Heroes:

  • Voting Gauntlet: Swift-Shadow Series is live! Win battles to increase your army’s score and complete quests to earn in-game rewards such as Orbs, Divine Codes (Ephemera 11), Sacred Coins, and Refining Stones!
  • Bonus titles for the next Resonant Battles season starting Dec. 7, 11 PM PT, are Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade and Fire Emblem Heroes. Use this time to prepare your best team!
  • In this week’s Coliseum, take on Resonant and Allegiance Battles to earn rewards including Divine Codes (Part 1), Dragonflowers (I), Earth Blessings, and Trait Fruit! See the in-game notification for more info.

Check out the latest events in Dragalia Lost, including new monthly information:

  • The Princess Connect! Re: Dive – A Voracious Visitor event is on now! The star of the show, Pecorine, is here to show off some of her sweet moves, including a unique victory animation. Be sure to play and check it out!
  • Dragalia Lost director Yuji Okada shares the latest on future updates and more in the newest installment of This Month in Dragalia Lost! With its release, we’re also giving players a tenfold summon voucher! You can read the information here.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons players should be aware that the NookLink app has been updated. To access it, you’ll need to download Nintendo Switch Online for iOS or Android.

The main feature of the update involves new catalog features. It’s now possible to more easily keep track of your character’s catalog of furniture, clothing, and more. There are options for searching by name, searching by criteria, viewing your favorited items, and seeing the newest items catalogued.

Here’s some additional information:

Pokemon Home

A new update has gone live for the mobile version of Pokemon Home. iOS and Android users both have access to version 1.3.1.

One of the primary fixes in today’s update involves an issue with trading multiple Pokemon using the Wonder Boy. You can find the full patch notes below.

Niantic has shared the latest information about Pokemon GO. The game’s new Season of Celebration has been detailed, and as part of that, we get to learn about what’s planned for the December Community Day, GO Battle League Season 6, and more.

Here’s the full rundown:

Dragalia Lost has dropped its newest content, adding a raid event and summoning showcase for Princess Connect! Re: Dive – A Voracious Visitor. The raid event will have players following Cleo, Mitsuba, and Pecorine as they make their way to a mana fountain to learn about Pecorine’s past.

Up to four players can take on the event-specific quests and defeat the shadow-attuned raid boss for exclusive rewards. This raid event will last until December 13, 2020 at 9:59pm PT.

Also live now is a summoning showcase for the characters in Princess Connect! Re: Dive – A Voracious Visitor. This includes five star versions of the adventurers Mitsuba and Pecorine, as well as the dragon Lumiere Pandora. This summoning event runs until December 6, 2020 at 9:59pm PT. 

There has also been an interlude added to the New Year’s Tidings: A Clawful Caper raid event revival which will last until December 6, 2020 as well.



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