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Fire Emblem Hereos is now hosting Bound Hero Battle: Robin & Corrin. Robin: Fell Reincarnation along with Corrin: Wailing Soul are waiting in Special Maps. By taking on Hard through Infernal modes, you can earn Orbs.

Tying in with the Bound Hero Battle, a summoning focus has started. Robin and Corrin are present, along with Celica: Imprisoned Soul.

Fire Emblem Heroes

It was only a few years ago that Nintendo delved into the mobile market. We’ve seen a number of titles pop up on iOS and Android based on popular IPs, including Mario, Animal Crossing, and Fire Emblem. There’s also been a completely original game in Dragalia Lost.

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa said during Nintendo’s financial results conference call last week that it is “continuing to develop new applications” for smartphones. However, he did caution: “we are not necessarily looking to continue releasing many new applications for the mobile market as much as we are looking at the continuation of our mobile business as a way to make active use of Nintendo IP (game characters, worlds, and so on) in the interest of maximizing the entirety of Nintendo’s business.”

Here’s the full exchange regarding Nintendo and mobile:

Dragalia Lost

Dragalia Lost director Yuji Okada has responded to player feedback by answering questions regarding a number of different topics. Okada weighed in on future plans for crafting/dismantling weapons, difficulty level, mentor bonus, and more.

Here’s the full rundown: 

Mario Kart Tour has been updated on iOS and Android. With version 2.1.0, Nintendo has added the Team Game rule and Room Code feature to multiplayer, plus more.

Below are the full patch notes:

Niantic has announced that Seedot will be the next Pokemon featured for the latest Pokemon GO Community Day. The event itself will be held on May 24.

Just like with previous events, Seedot will have an exclusive move in the form of Bullet Seed (Shiftry only). Other bonuses include 3x catch XP and 3-hour Incense.


Here are the latest events happening in Fire Emblem Heroes:

  • Heroes who have gained new skills are featured as part of a 5★ summoning focus! New weapon skills Weighted Lance and Bow of Beauty, and new weapon to refine Dark Greatsword are here! Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!
  • Protect the Kingdom of Askr from Thórr’s advancing army in Mjölnir’s Strike! This time, the enemy army will be led by Julius. It’s time for the Brace phase! Build structures and place allies on the map!

It’s a busy day for players of Dragalia Lost. First things first, due to the automatic rollout of the 1.19.1 of the app, all players can look forward to a free tenfold summon voucher.

Additionally, players can enjoy the following:

  • A new summon showcase started May 11, 11 PM PT! Adventurers and dragons such as 5★ adventurer Yurius and 5★ dragon Azazel have increased appearance rates!
  • The Loyalty’s Requiem raid event revival started May 11, 11 PM PT! A new Omega difficulty has been added! The Omega (Raid) battle will unlock May 15, 11 PM PT! We hope you’re looking forward to it!
  • A daily free summon event, which will allow you to perform a summon on the applicable summon showcases for free once per day, started May 11, 11 PM PT! Don’t forget to take advantage of it!

Fire Emblem Heroes is bringing Limited Hero battles to special maps starting today and lasting for the next five days. Rewards such as Hero Feathers and Divine Codes will be available to earn in Part 1 depending on your deployment options. 

Takumi: Empty Vessel will kick off the Limited Hero battles and the the rest of the battles are enclosed in the schedule below (click to enlarge). 

A new summon showcase is coming to Dragalia Lost on May 11, 11:00pm PT and included in it are the adventurers Yurius, Forte, and Azazel. A trailer for these characters has been linked below to view.

Additionally, the Loyalty’s Requiem raid event is going live at the same time, a revival of a very early raid in the game. This battle will feature the hero Celliera fighting against the fiend Phraeganoth.

Finally, a sixth mana circle will be added for the characters 4 star Celliera and 4 star Ranzal. This will occur on May 11, 10:30pm PT. 

Dragalia Lost’s newest update (version 1.19.1) has released and brings with it various fixes to issues reported in the last version. This serves as the main reason for this update and no other new content has been listed in the patch notes.

The full list of issues fixed are listed below in the patch notes.

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