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Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced the next summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes. Brave Redux will feature Loki, Kliff, and Owain. A new paralogue story will also be included.

The Brave Redux summoning event in Fire Emblem Heroes begins October 23. Watch a trailer promoting it below.

Super Mario Run is back with one of its regular events. During the weekend, players will find that the items you can receive from Remix 10’s Super Bonus Game will all be related to Luigi.

The lineup of items is as follows:

It’s that time of the year again when all kinds of games are having Halloween festivities – and Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is no different. The game’s official Twitter account has posted the image above, teasing special Halloween-themed clothes as prizes for this event.


Fire Emblem Warriors revealed that The 8th Grand Conquests event is coming October 21 to October 27, with pre-registration open October 19. Here are details of the event courtesy of Perfectly Nintendo:

The more battles you take part in, the more points you get, which then allows you to move up the GC Tiers. Once you reach a specific GC Tier, you get some rewards: bonus Orbs, Refining Stones, and more. You also get a special bonus that will help your army get more points. There’s 25 tiers in total, and they do not reset between each Battle. Tier 4 and 8 unlock Lunatic and Infernal modes, respectively.

You also get rewards at the end of each Battle, based on the number of Areas your Army has conquered. You can get Hero Feathers, Sacred Coins, and Arena Medals. Simply head over to “Check Rewards” to find them!


The second ever event for Dragalia Lost went live earlier today. But the Trick or Treat event is having a number of technical issues as reported by Perfectly Nintendo. Here are the problems they list:

  • Player may be disconnected in Co-op when using the weapon skill of “Jack-o’-Lance” or “Vampire’s Lantern.”
  • The total might of each party is displayed during Co-op of the boss battle “Squash the Pumpking.”
  • Under “Current Effective Facility” at the event’s main screen, it incorrectly says “Strength X% Up!” instead of “Damage X% Up!”
  • The daily battle “Nightly Haunts” is not resetting properly.

There was an additional problem involving stat boosts, but the developer fixed that issue and are investigating the other four.

The latest Bound Hero Battle is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. You will have to face off against Ephraim and Myrrh. The BHB will run until October 25th. For the same duration, a special Summoning Focus will also be available. The focus units are Ephraim: Restoration Lord, Myrrh: Great Dragon and Eirika: Anamnesis Lady.

The Heroic Feats event has moved on to its third round. This time, players must send infantry-type units into battle a collective 60 million times until October 22nd. Once again, the final 24 hours of the event will be a bonus period where each Hero counts double. The reward, should players succeed, will be a 4-star Marisa: Crimson Flash.

Finally, Tactics Drills has received its usual Thursday update. The new map “Frelia’s Sacred Twins” can be found in the Skill Studies section.

Because the condition for the second round of Heroic Feats hit the target of 30 million, all players will receive a 4★ Berkut: Prideful Prince. Log in by the end of October to accept him from your Present List.

The next round of Heroic Feats runs from October 18 to 22.

Fire Emblem Heroes’ has kicked off a summoning event. Players can participate in New Power, which can grant three Heroes who have gained new skills as five-star units. The weapon skill Solitary Blade is available plus new weapons to refine, Vidofnir and Nidhogg.

Summoning Focus: New Power will be running until October 29.

A new update for the Android version of the Switch Parental Controls mobile app will notice that a new update is now available. Nintendo has issued version 1.7.1 which, in addition to bug fixes, adds support to Android 9.0. Here are the patch notes:

  • Support Android 9.0.
  • Implemented bug fixes.


Fire Emblem Heroes continues to be a money maker for Nintendo. In September, the mobile title generated another $16.8 million.

As has been the case in the past, the majority of Fire Emblem Heroes’ success stemmed from Japan. The country represents 55% of all-time player spending. And in September, Japan accounted for 54% of revenue, which amounts to $9.1 million.

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