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Update: New EX figures have also been added: Terrakion, Cobalion, and Noivern.

Original: Pokemon Duel’s latest update is now live. Players should have access to version 3.0.8 across both iOS and Android.

As usual, the official patch notes for today’s update state that bug fixes have been implemented. Some figures have also been impacted to improve balancing. You can read about the changes here.

Miitomo has been updated with new content. Players can nab the latest items in the Miitomo Drop stage, “Fashion that’s sweet as candy! Lolita Style #2”.

Available items include:

– Fairy tale kingdom bunny ears
– Fairy tale kingdom bunny dress
– Fairy tale kingdom bunny boots
– Fairy tale kingdom bunny bag

Users can select Miitomo Drop stages from the Shop tab. Miitomo coins or game tickets are needed to play.


A balance update will be applied to Pokemon Duel after the regular maintenance tomorrow. Several Steel and Rock types will see some changes to their moves and stats.


  • Counter replaced with Heavy Slam
  • Metal Claw replaced with Roar
  • Iron Tail’s damage increased from 90 to 120


  • Ability Battle Armor replaced with Swift Swim (increases movement by 1 when adjacent to Water Pokemon)
  • Added Aqua Jet as a move
  • Iron Tail’s damage increased from 40 to 70
  • Decreased size of the Miss bar


  • Removed one Air Cutter piece and replaced it with the smaller Swords Dance
  • Increased size of the Steel Wing Piece

Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Rhyhorn, Magnemite:

  • Decreased size of the Miss bar


Ursula’s is the next Grand Hero Battle to make a return in Fire Emble Heroes. If you missed her the first time around, you will get a second chance starting tomorrow. You can also get additional copies of Ursula if you complete some special quests that will also be available during this Grand Hero Battle.


The World of Radiance quests added a while ago to Fire Emblem Heroes added a new victory condition: having to stay alive for a certain number of turns while fighting off reinforcements. Today, several special maps featuring that theme have been added to the game. A total of five maps with two difficulty modes each are now available; beating them nets you one orb the first time you clear each map.

Special quests centered around those maps have also been added. The maps and quests will be available until May 25th.

Fire Emblem Heroes updated with new content today. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems introduced a new EXP 1.5 event, Summoning Focuses, and “Battle of the Mages” Voting Gauntlet.

First, all players can earn 1.5 times the experience right now up until the early morning of May 15. This applies to battles in Story Maps, Training Tower, Special Maps, and the Arena. Just keep in mind that there is a limit as to how much experience can be earned in a single battle.

At the end of March, Super Mario Run was sitting between 10 million and 50 million downloads on Android. The game has climbed up since then, as it’s now between 50 million and 100 million downloads, according to the Google Play store. We don’t have a specific number, but Android users continue to download the game.


Fire Emblem Heroes has received a new update. On both iOS and Android, players can now download version 1.3.0.

Fire Emblem Heroes makes key changes to the tier system in the Arena while also adding new maps. The Training Tower’s difficulty has been adjusted as well on top of bug fixes.

This only tells a part of the picture. We have a ton of specifics about the update in the gallery below and some additional news pertaining to the Voting Gauntlet and more.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“Straight grillin’! BBQ Blowout” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:

– Shish-kebab hood (set)
– Shish-kebab suit (set)
– Steak tee
– Bell pepper shoes (set)
– Ketchup bottle cap (set)
– Ketchup bottle suit (set)
– BBQ tee
– Shorts + tied-around shirt
– BBQ grill-lid hat
– BBQ grill suit
– BBQ apron
– BBQ-tongs tights

The returning stage will be available until May 9 at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET.


Beginning last week, Nintendo has been holding a special Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Release Event in Super Mario Run. Players have been tasked with playing Toad Rally a certain number of times in order to unlock special statues.

The deadline was May 11, yet all goals have been reached several days in advance. The full lineup of rewards are as follows:

– 10 million plays: Banana Statue
– 20 million plays: Banana Statue
– 30 million plays: Blooper Statue
– 40 million plays: Mario Kart Statue
– 50 million plays: Switch Statue

Nintendo will be distributing theses rewards beginning on May 12.

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