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Book of Demons

Publishers 505 Games and SONKA, in collaboration with developer Thing Trunk, have announced that Book of Demons will be released on Switch. The hack and slash deck-building hybrid launches digitally on April 30.

Here’s an overview of Book of Demons, along with a trailer:

Trials of Mana

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 – Road to Boruto
Trials of Mana

Lonely Mountains: Downhill

Today, Thunderful Publishing and Megagon Industries announced that Lonely Mountains: Downhill will launch for Switch on May 7. It’ll be sold digitally via the eShop.

Here’s an overview of the game, along with a trailer:

Super Mega Baseball 3

Metalhead Software originally hoped to launch Super Mega Baseball 3 this month, but warned that industry-wide changes caused by the coronavirus could impact the release date. That ended up happening, as the company announced today that its upcoming title will now launch on May 13.

Alongside the news, Metalhead also shared a new video that explains the on-field experience in Super Mega Baseball 3, including reworked batting AI, tweaked pitching mechanics, improved fielder selection, and more. We’ve included it below along with more information about the game.

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Code: Realize – Future Blessings – $39.99
Moving Out – $24.99 (available April 28)
Trials of Mana – $49.99 (available April 24)

G-Mode has shared a trailer for G-Mode Archives 02: Ai to Roudou no Hibi, a conversion for another one of its mobile games for Switch. Give it a look below.

Talpa Games and Undercoders have announced Mail Mole, a new 3D platformer for Switch. The game is currently targeted for release sometime this summer.

Here’s an overview of Mail Mole, along with a trailer:

As was confirmed yesterday, the otome visual novel My Secret Pets! will be available for Switch via the eShop on April 30. View some footage in the video below.

Fairy Knights, a puzzle RPG from CFK and WID Studio, is due out for Switch on April 30. View some early footage in the video below.

Armor Games Studios and Glass Revolver have shared a launch trailer for ITTA, their bullet-hell, boss-rush style adventure. Watch it below.

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